State Teams Race Against the Clock in Ford/AAA Auto Skills Competition
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Continuing a longstanding tradition, OSU Institute of Technology hosted the state’s Ford/AAA Auto Skills Competition April 25, pitting ten teams representing ten Career Technology Centers from throughout Oklahoma in a test of ability and speed.
The contestants were the top teams of two students each who scored the highest on the state's written exam, qualifying them to represent their schools during the 90 minute hands-on contest. The goal of each team was to correctly diagnose and fix uniformly “bugged” new Ford vehicles as quickly as possible while ensuring quality workmanship.
The state’s winning team from Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center was recognized with scholarships, tools, and awards. They, along with their instructor, will represent Oklahoma and receive an expense-paid trip in June to the national finals at the Ford Motor Company Headquarters in Dearborn, MI.
“These contestants represent some of the most talented young technology students in the state.” said Stevon Gregory, assistant chair of the Automotive Division at OSUIT. “Hosting the Ford/AAA skills contest provides an excellent opportunity to showcase the campus and the strength of our automotive programs.”
The Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills Competition fosters young people’s interest in the automotive industry through a spirited nationwide competition with opportunities to win prizes along with an experience that could help shape the future of their careers. This year’s state competition at OSUIT was coordinated by Ford Automotive Student Service Educational Training (ASSET) program instructors Tommy Lawson and Steve Kamm.