#I♥OSUIT: Chief Matt Wooliver
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Where are you from?
I am originally from Bethany, a suburb of Oklahoma City, but grew up in Tulsa and graduated from Jenks High School in 1996.
What do you do here at OSUIT?
I am the Chief of Campus Police. I currently oversee two departments, Campus Police and Campus Dispatch. I also chair two committees: the Campus Parking and Traffic Committee and the Campus Citation Appeals Committee and serve on several other committees, Behavioral Consultation Team/Non-Academic Review Committee and Institutional Event Planning Committee. I am the reporting officer for the annual campus Clery Act crime statistics and reporting that is due each fall. My title is considered a "working chief" position in that when I am not taking care of administrative duties I also answer calls for service or make traffic stops, etc.
Tell me a little about your experience with the university so far?
When I started with OSUIT in 2008, I was really impressed with how friendly and helpful all of the employees at OSUIT were. When you start a new job, there is always some uncertainty in being the newest employee especially in a police department. All of the employees were welcoming and genuinely concerned about my experience here at OSUIT. I remember how that made me feel and today make it a point to extend my knowledge and any other resource I have available any time I meet a new employee. I always tell new employees that OSUIT grows on you. Regardless of what your personal or professional plan is, don't be surprised if you make a career out of your time at OSUIT.
I am constantly educating people that I meet on the amazing things that are happening in Okmulgee at OSUIT each and everyday. While many people know there is an OSU campus in Okmulgee, I still talk to people weekly that are surprised to learn about some of the programs we offer here at OSUIT such as High Voltage Lineman or ACR. Ultimately, it is really a good feeling to know that you are working together with a team to assist, enhance, and further the students’ futures once they graduate from OSUIT.
What’s been the best thing about working here?
Hands down, it is the people that come to work everyday to further the OSUIT mission and to serve the students, faculty and staff of OSUIT. I also enjoy the history of OSUIT and reflecting on all of the people who have worked at OSUIT before us. I feel like we are truly just "driving the bus," and I want to make sure that when our time comes to give up our seat to the next "bus driver" that we leave OSUIT in a better place than when we found it. I often think about what some of the past OSUIT presidents and other administrators that are no longer with us would say if they could see what OSUIT has grown into today.
What’s your favorite spot on campus?
I would have to say the big pond by the Noble Center. We are so fortunate to have multiple bodies of water that attract wildlife on this campus.
What would you tell someone who was thinking about attending or working at OSUIT?
I would encourage anyone who is pondering applying at OSUIT whether it is as student or employee to do so. It is a really good feeling to know that you are part of a university family that is working together towards a common goal. OSUIT has had such a very far-reaching positive influence on so many people and continues to do so. If I was a younger person that had certain things to do over I would give a serious look at enrolling in the ACR program or one of the automotive programs as I really enjoy working with my hands. I tell people all the time that have college-age children that are not sure about what college to attend or career field to enter about OSUIT and the vast array of cutting edge technology programs offered at OSUIT.