2020 Outstanding Nominations Open to Employees
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Every year in June as summer approaches and the fiscal year ends, the annual OSUIT All-Employee Banquet takes place. Pins are given out for milestone work anniversaries, certificates of achievement are distributed and all are anxiously waiting to see who will get The Monkey. However, the crown jewel of the night is the Outstanding Faculty and Staff Awards, presented by the OSUIT Faculty and Staff Association.
“On behalf of the Faculty Staff Council, it is my honor as this year’s chair to announce nominations are open for the 2020 Outstanding Faculty, Classified Staff and Professional Staff Awards,” said Mark Gibble, chair of FSC.
Each year FSC recognizes exemplary employees based on nominations received from students and employees of OSUIT.
“I encourage the OSUIT community to identify those employees whose dedication, hard work and devotion have made a positive impact on students and coworkers,” said Gibble.
To be considered for an award, nominees must be employed by OSUIT full-time for at least two years before the April 1 deadline for submitting nominations, may not be on performance probation and may not be a member of the president’s cabinet. A sub-committee will review nominations and make a decision based on a series of criteria.
Jamie Diggins, Nursing faculty and Outstanding Faculty award recipient from 2019 said that winning gave her a sense of validation from her students.
“I felt fulfilled knowing that one of my students nominated me,” said Diggins. “As educators, we strive to help our students meet their goals and hope to make a difference. I am in education because I truly care for my students, and I want to be there for them to help them achieve their goals.”
The process for nominating candidates has been streamlined with an online submission form and made simpler for those who may only have a short amount of time over their lunch break.
Nominations submitted after April 1, will be considered for next year. Any additional materials used to demonstrate how the nominee exhibited the criteria should be emailed to Mike Madden for faculty nominations or Sommer Farrimond for staff nominations.
On campus, we only have so many options for thanking our co-workers for the amazing work they contribute to OSUIT daily.
Pat Singleton, staff assistant for Student Life, said that being nominated twice and receiving the award in 2015 was an honor and humbling experience for her.
“We all notice people from time to time that go above and beyond their stated duties to help others or to offer exceptional customer service,” said Singleton. “This is the opportunity to recognize our fellow employees for their service.”
To make a nomination visit the Outstanding Faculty & Staff Awards Nomination Form.