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OSU Flying Aggies Win Regional Title for Second Straight Year

Mon, Nov 02, 2015

For the second straight year, the Oklahoma State University Flying Aggies Flight Team placed first in the National Intercollegiate Flying Association SAFECON Region VI Competition, held in St, Louis, Mo., October 19-24. Oklahoma State defeated six other schools to win the region and secure a place in the national competition in May 2016 in Columbus, Ohio.

College of Education and Human SciencesOSU Flying AggiesCampus Life and DiversityAviation and Space
OSU tied to Space Shuttle Endeavour STS-118 Mission

Mon, Aug 20, 2007

On Aug. 9, NASA launched the Space Shuttle Endeavour STS-118, a mission to which Oklahoma State University has close ties. 

Aviation and SpaceNASA ProgramsCollege of Education and Human SciencesNASA