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Mathematics Learning Success Center to Unveil Artwork

Mathematics Learning Success Center to Unveil Artwork

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA – The Mathematics Learning Success Center will hold an art installation reception March 29 in the MLSC, located on the fifth floor of the Edmon Low Library, at 3:30 p.m. The reception will unveil the new piece of artwork created for the MLSC by Edmund Harriss.

Edmund Harriss

Harriss is a clinical assistant mathematics professor at the University of Arkansas. His research involves pursuing unusual applications of mathematics, and his artwork has also been installed at the Imperial College in London and the University of Arkansas.

“Shifting Ammann in Brightest Orange” is a 54 feet 5 inches wide and 7 feet tall tiling piece. During the reception, Harriss will give a short presentation about the artwork.

For more information about Harriss’ work, visit his website To learn more about the MLSC, visit   


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