MBA Association announces newly elected officers for 2016
Friday, December 11, 2015
With the end of the calendar year approaching, the Master’s of Business Administration
Association (MBAA) committee at Oklahoma State University recently announced the organization’s
new officers.
The MBAA is the organization responsible for representing the Watson Graduate School of Management’s MBA program. The officers of this organization are elected by their peers.
Listed below are the 2016 representatives and their positions:
- President: John Nickel
- Vice President of Finance: James Rush
- Vice President of External Affairs: Holly Colpitt
- Vice President of International Affairs: Yolande Mbah Mbole
- Vice President of Socials: Jakayla Porter
- Vice President of Campus Rep: Trey Kennedy
Each MBAA officer has specific duties which are assigned to his or her position. Collectively the officers are responsible for conducting organization meetings, planning networking events for alumni, planning student involvement activities, and maintaining a social networking presence.
The MBAA is involved in various activities at Oklahoma State as well as in the community including by not limited to the OSU Homecoming parade, Into the Streets, and volunteering at the Stillwater Humane Society.
First-year MBA student and newly elected president John Nickel is excited about the MBAA’s upcoming year.
“Our class has had several opportunities to connect this past semester through MBAA socials and course projects,” said Nickel. “I am excited to see how our program will be guided by the MBAA committee over the course of this next year.”
The MBAA committee will work closely with Watson Graduate School of Management Assistant Director Jan Analla to help with MBA program development.
“The MBAA organization is critical to our program’s success and we look forward to working with this new leadership team,” said Analla.
For more information on OSU’s Watson Graduate School of Management, visit or call 405-744-9000.