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OSU entrepreneurship student selected to Enactus USA Student Advisory Committee

Monday, July 24, 2017

Josh Masterson, entrepreneurship student.
Entrepreneurship student Josh Masterson was appointed to the Enactus USA Student Advisory Committee.

Josh Masterson has a passion for entrepreneurship, and his next venture just happens to be taking a place on one of the most prestigious committees in the nation.

His passion for aiding the underserved was echoed in Enactus, a global organization that encourages students to use entrepreneurship to help others. The Oklahoma State University entrepreneurship student traveled to Nicaragua not once, but twice, created the OSU Enactus chapter and competed in the Enactus Regional Competition in Dallas, all in less than a year. After those accomplishments, the next step was to get on the national Enactus USA Student Advisory Committee to develop more connections for OSU entrepreneurship.

“The OSU Enactus chapter is less than a year old, so I was surprised I was chosen to be on the Student Advisory Committee,” Masterson said. “Serving on the committee will be a great honor and will allow the OSU Enactus chapter to develop more relationships with other college chapters. I will be a link between colleges and Enactus headquarters, so that’s going to be a cool experience.”

Masterson will be receiving all of the important information firsthand as a perk to his position. A lot of his responsibilities will be focused on developing Enactus USA, helping with policy and programming development, assisting with recruitment and alumni relations, and collaborating with other universities. Only 15 students across the nation are selected to serve on the committee each year.

“Being a part of the committee is a huge honor, and I’m excited to implement what I learn into the OSU Enactus chapter,” Masterson said. “The first major goal I’m striving toward is local recruitment because it’s hard to make change alone, so I’m hoping to find people who have a strong passion for helping others and bring them on to make the OSU Enactus chapter really successful.”