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Spears Business

Former QuikTrip executive featured speaker for Puterbaugh Ethics Lecture on Oct. 9

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Former QuikTrip senior executive Marc Delametter will be the featured speaker for the Puterbaugh Ethics Lecture on Oct. 9 at Oklahoma State University’s Stillwater campus.

Delametter will address “Ethics in the Accounting Profession” during the lecture at 12:30 p.m. in Business 001 in the new Business Building. Admission is free for all OSU students, staff and faculty.

“Marc’s lecture will provide students with a glimpse into how ethical challenges present themselves and how they should be addressed,” said Griffin Pivateau, Puterbaugh Professor of Legal Studies and Ethics in Business in OSU’s Spears School of Business.

“Marc has an extensive business background and a track record of success. Having the opportunity to hear him discuss ethical pitfalls in the corporate world should benefit the entire OSU academic community. We are looking forward to this event.” 

Delametter started his professional career in July 1983 as a staff accountant for Price Waterhouse in Tulsa. In June 1986 he began a new career with QuikTrip as a general corporate accountant. Over the next 28 years Delametter worked his way through various iterations of positions at QuikTrip eventually becoming vice president accounting/controller.

When he retired in May 2014, QuikTrip had become one of the largest privately held corporations in the United States, with revenues greater than $14 billion. Most importantly, QuikTrip was routinely named one of the “Best Companies to Work For” by Fortune magazine.

In 2017, Delametter was inducted in the OSU Wilton T. Anderson School of Accounting Hall of Fame for his contributions to the accounting profession. Delametter currently serves as the chair of the Oklahoma Accountancy Board. He also provides accounting and leadership consulting advice to Tulsa non-for-profit organizations on a pro bono basis.

The Puterbaugh Ethics Lecture is made possible through the generous support of the Puterbaugh Foundation.

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