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Ethics and Leadership Certificate Program begins at OSU

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Twenty Oklahoma State University students are taking part in a special opportunity to earn university certification in the Undergraduate Ethics and Leadership Certificate Program.

“A great number of students are coming to the university expecting that their skills and knowledge and opportunity in leadership will increase and be provided for by this university,” said Stephen Haseley, director of the Office of Leadership Development. “I thought a certificate program could meet the needs of more of our students who wanted to get involved with leadership.”

This year, more than 5,000 freshmen applied for the President’s Leadership Council, he said.

When students complete the 18 credit hour program, they’ll have an edge over others since they will be certified and recognized by the university as a leader, Haseley said.

“Other students may have a high GPA and lots of curricular activities, but they won’t have a university that recognizes them as a capable and competent leader,” he said. “This will be especially helpful when students interview for jobs.”

Dr. Steve Harrist, assistant professor of applied health and educational psychology, will teach the foundation and capstone courses, and Haseley will assist with the practica.

“One of the missions of higher education is to prepare students to become informed, thoughtful citizen-leaders for the good of society,” Harrist said. “This program will develop students’ knowledge about ethics and leadership and help them develop practices for the common good in a pluralistic society. Students in the program learn to collaborate in teams, deliberate, resolve conflict, and to think critically about ethics and leadership.”

The College of Education was selected as the program’s academic home because it fit well with educational leadership, and the college helps sponsor the PLC.

All students will take two three-hour credit courses, “Foundations of Ethical Theory and Leadership” and “Leadership for the Common Good,” both taught by Harrist, plus six hours of field experience. Haseley will work with instructors to set up leadership component for the students’ six hours of elective courses.

The program is best suited for sophomores and juniors to allow time to complete coursework and 40 hours of documented service learning experiences or community service related to their goals.

Applications will be available each spring at 060 Student Union, the Campus Life information desk, and should be returned to Haseley in 050 Student Union, who will set up interview times.

“By awarding official recognition, I think more students will take advantage of developing their leadership skills,” Haseley said.

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