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OSU Board approves personnel actions

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Oklahoma State University/A&M Board of Regents approved several personnel actions during its June 23 meeting at OSU-Okmulgee.

Dr. Ronald Van Den Bussche Jr., professor and interim head of the Department of Zoology since 2005, was named associate dean for research of the College of Arts and Sciences. He joined the OSU faculty in 1995.

He received his Bachelor of Science with distinction in wildlife management from Eastern Kentucky University, his master’s in biology from Memphis State University, and his Ph.D. in zoology from Texas Tech University.

Van Den Bussche received the CAS Outstanding Professor Award in 1999, the Donald W. Tinkle Research Excellence Award from the Southwestern Association of Naturalists in 2003, and a 2005 Fulbright Senior Specialist Fellowship to work at the Museum and Institute of Zoology at the Polish Academy of Sciences. His memberships include the Society of Systematic Biologists, Sigma Xi, the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, and the Central Plains Mammal Society. He has served as president of the Texas Society of Mammalogists and as trustee and secretary-treasurer of the American Society of Mammalogists.    

Dr. Antonio Camara, associate professor of finance in the School of Management at the University of Michigan-Flint, was named associate professor and head of the Department of Finance. He served on the faculty of the Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugal, for four years and on the faculty of Strathclyde University in the United Kingdom for five years.

He received the School of Management’s Golden Apple Award in teaching excellence three times, the Research Initiative Fellowship twice, and a Rackham Faculty Fellowship, all at Michigan. His memberships include the American Finance Association, Eastern Finance Association, Financial Management Association, Midwest Finance Association and Western Finance Association.

Dr. Dale E. Alspach, professor of mathematics, was named head of the Department of Mathematics. He was an instructor at M.I.T. for two years before joining the OSU faculty in 1979. He served as a Regents Professor at OSU from 1990-98 and was a Southwestern Bell Professor from 1991-93.

He received his B.Sc. degree from the University of Akron and his Ph.D. from Ohio State University. He serves as a referee for papers submitted to numerous journals, is a reviewer for NSF, U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation, and Canadian Research Council grants, and is the founder and operator of an electronic bulletin board and archive for Banach Space Theory.

Dr. Carey N. Pope, professor and interim head of the OSU Department of Physiological Sciences since 2005, was named head of the department in the Center for Veterinary Health Sciences. He joined the OSU faculty in 2000 as a professor and Sitlington Endowed Chair in Toxicology and director of the graduate programs in toxicology.

Before coming to OSU, he served on the toxicology faculty of Northeast Louisiana University for nine years and was a professor and director of the Division of Toxicology at the University of Louisiana-Monroe.

Pope received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in biology from Stephen F. Austin State University and his Ph.D. in pharmacology/toxicology from the University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. He holds professional memberships in the Society of Toxicology, International Society for Neurochemistry and American College of Toxicology. He is president of the South Central Chapter of the Society of Toxicology, and is past president of the International Neurotoxicology Association.

Pamela L. Ehlers, director of Pittsburg State University’s Office of Career Services since 1995, was named director of Career Services.

She received a B.S. in secondary education and an M.S. in curriculum and instruction, both from OSU, and an Ed.S. in counseling from Pittsburg. She is in the Ed.D. program in higher education leadership at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. She taught art for five years in Lawson, Eureka and Kansas City, Missouri, public schools, and was a career counselor/academic adviser at Cottey College for two years.

She is a National Certified Counselor, National Certified Career Counselor, Distance Credentialed Counselor and Master Career Counselor. She has served as national secretary of the American Association for Employment in Education, and is a member of the Kansas City Metropolitan Area Education Personnel Directors, National Association of Colleges and Employers, Southwest Association of Colleges and Employers, Kansas Association of Colleges and Employers, National Student Employment Association, American Association for Employment in Education, and the American Counseling Association.


  • Jeffrey D. Vitale, assistant professor, agricultural economics;
  • Noah B. Litherland, assistant professor, animal science;
  • Ramanjulu Sunkar, assistant professor, biochemistry and molecular biology;
  • Carol L. Jones and Yu Mao, assistant professors, biosystems and agricultural engineering;
  • Carmen M. Greenwood, assistant professor, entomology and plant pathology;
  • Kevin P. Allen and Robert D. Elmore, assistant professors, forestry;
  • Yanqi Wu and Liuling Yan, assistant professors, plant and soil sciences;
  • Rebecca L. Damron, assistant professor, English;
  • Silvia S. Perea-Fox, assistant professor, foreign languages;
  • Jeanette M. Mendez, assistant professor, political science;
  • Abdul Munasib, assistant professor, economics and legal studies;
  • Ali Nejadmalayeri, assistant professor, finance;
  • Federico Aime, W. Matthew Bowler and J. Craig Wallace, assistant professors, management;
  • Jin Kyu Lee, assistant professor, management science and information systems;
  • Juliana G. Utley, assistant professor, teaching and curriculum leadership;
  • Zhenyu Kong, assistant professor, industrial engineering;
  • Sheila Scott-Halsell, assistant professor, hotel and restaurant administration;
  • Tammy L. Henderson, Robert E. Larzelere and Amanda S. Morris, associate professors, human development and family science;
  • Lenka Humenikova, assistant professor, nutritional sciences;
  • Catherine G. Lamm, clinical instructor, Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab;
  • Pamela G. Lloyd, assistant professor, physiological sciences;
  • Michael J. Finn and Jennifer L. Peters, clinical assistant professors, veterinary clinical sciences;
  • Richard Wieligman, coach softball, athletics.

Changes in Appointment


  • For the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, changes in title were approved for David M. Henneberry, from professor and assistant dean to professor and director, international programs;
  • Gary L. Sherrer, from assistant to the vice president, dean and director, to assistant vice president, external affairs;
  • Steven M. Stone, from director to associate vice president and senior financial officer;
  • Robert L. Westerman, from professor and assistant director to assistant vice president, program support;
  • Thomas F. Peeper, professor of plant and soil sciences, was appointed to the Warth Distinguished Professorship;
  • William R. Raun, Regents Professor of plant and soil sciences, was appointed to the Melvin and Mary Jones Professorship.
  • Other title changes included John W. Mintmire, from professor and associate dean to professor, physics;
  • Alan C. Aldophson, Regents Professor and head, mathematics, to Regents Professor, mathematics;
  • Alfred Carlozzi, from associate professor and head, to associate professor, applied health and educational psychology;
  • Heidi Hoart, from chef lecturer/culinary manager, to clinical instructor and executive chief, hotel and restaurant administration;
  • Grant B. Rezabek, from assistant professor to clinical assistant professor, Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab;
  • Jovette R. Dew, from coordinator to director, recruitment, institutional diversity.


  • David M. D’Andrea, history, from Sept. 1, 2006, to Jan. 16, 2007, 100% sabbatical to begin working on a research project, “Mediating the Miraculous: Local Religion, the Virgin Mary, and the Renaissance Venetian World”;
  • David A. Carter, finance, from Jan. 17-May 31, 2007, 100% sabbatical to teach two undergraduate finance courses at the Consortium International University in Paderno, Italy;
  • David A. Hanser, architecture, Sept. 1, 2006, to Jan. 16, 2007, 100% sabbatical to research monastery architecture enriching the architectural history class and possibly result in a book.


  • Larry C. Avrett, art, June 30;
  • John M. Dobson, history, May 31;
  • Gerald D. Frank, music, June 4;
  • Lawrence M. Hynson, sociology, June 1;
  • William E. Segall, educational studies, July 2;
  • Thomas C. Collins, Center for Innovation and Economic Development, July 31;
  • Eddie E. Sutton, athletics, June 30.
  • For OSU-Oklahoma City, Susan B. Manley was appointed director of Title III. a change in title was approved for Danny L. Johnson, public safety, from associate professor and head, to associate professor.
  • For OSU-Tulsa, an appointment was approved for Randall Popp, director of computing services.
  • For OSU-Okmulgee, Kristy L. Walker was appointed director, counseling and access services.
  • For the OSU Center for Health Sciences, appointments were approved for Shawna R. Duncan, assistant professor, and Colony S. Fugate, clinical assistant professor, pediatrics; J. Thomas Curtis, research assistant professor, and Kathleen S. Curtis, assistant professor, pharmacology and physiology. Changes in title were approved for Emily A. Brown, from associate director to director, academic affairs; Ryan N. Miller, from assistant director to director, communications; and for Leah D. Haines, from associate director to director, student affairs.
SVG directory not found.