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OSU student becomes world traveler

Monday, August 28, 2006

Tyler Schooley

Oklahoma State University business senior Tyler Schooley visited 25 countries in the past six months, helping to build undeveloped villages, exploring unpopular cities and learning more about different cultures.

Schooley’s international experiences began three years ago when he participated in a language immersion program. He spent a month with a Guatemalan family immersed in Latin American culture and learning Spanish. 

“The Guatemala trip opened my eyes to the beauty of the world and awoke a passion for traveling I didn’t know I had,” he said.

While hundreds of OSU students participate yearly in study abroad programs, Schooley devoted his college career to visiting underdeveloped nations and places that don’t receive many tourists. His most recent trip began in January and ended in July.

He went to Congo, one of the poorest countries in the world, and spent two weeks building houses in a small village.

“The local people taught me about valuing life and gave me a different perspective on the world,” Schooley said. “After the trip, I knew my mission was to help people around the world.”  

South Africa, India, Brazil, Israel and Burma are just a few places Schooley’s backpacking, study abroad, language immersion and mission trips have taken him.

He also visited countries people consider dangerous and unfriendly, such as Egypt and Jordan.

“Staying two nights in the home of a Palestinian man in the West Bank, I was shocked to view firsthand the oppression these people are under,” Schooley said.

In places where he didn’t know the local language, Schooley communicated with gestures and facial expressions.

 “I learned how to understand other cultures without the need of words,” he said. “I just thought with my heart.”

Schooley said he never felt scared while traveling to the heart of the Middle East and even wanted to go into territories such as Syria and Iran.

“I think these two countries are falsely perceived by the media in regard to their level of danger,” he said.

Of the many places he has visited, India is Schooley’s favorite. He said he was awestruck by its diversity and incredible beauty.

“India contradicts with everything I have experienced. Its unique culture captivates me, and I think it’s one of the most remarkable places in the world,” he said.

After the intense trip to 25 countries in six months, Schooley is back at OSU, completing his bachelor’s degree. He is already making plans to travel abroad.

“OSU has been my home for the past four years, and I’m going to miss it when I graduate,” he said. “However, the diverse atmosphere on campus has challenged me to want to do more traveling and help more people around the world.”