OSU Veterinary Center improves canine joint treatment
Monday, June 11, 2007
STILLWATER, Okla., June 11, 2007 -- More precise diagnosis, less invasive procedures
and speedier recovery are in store for some patients at OSU’s Center for Veterinary
Health Sciences.
The Veterinary Center recently upgraded its small animal arthroscopic capabilities
with state-of-the-art equipment from Dyonics Corporation. The new arthroscopic equipment
will allow OSU’s small animal orthopedic surgeons to better perform minimally invasive
surgical procedures in the treatment of canine joint disorders.
Conditions that lend themselves to arthroscopic diagnosis and management include fragmented
medial coronoid disease; osteochondritis dissecans in the shoulder, elbow, stifle
and hock; and cranial cruciate ligament disease management. Hip joints can be evaluated
for triple pelvic osteotomy candidacy by viewing the joint surfaces, and joints can
be evaluated for pathology and biopsied. The arthroscopic equipment also can be used
as an adjunct for numerous, less common joint conditions.
The nature of arthroscopy results in minimal surgical trauma and rapid recovery times.
Patients at OSU’s Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital include animals brought in
by their owners as well as cases referred by veterinarians throughout the state and
region. While improving care and limiting animals’ hospital stays, the arthroscopic
capability will simultaneously ease the burden on owners.
Veterinarians may refer patients that are potential candidates for arthroscopic surgery
by contacting the OSU Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. Drs. Mark Rochat and Jude
Bordelon are excited to serve the state in this capacity. For more information, call