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February 19, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

OSU Research Week, Feb. 18-22
Internationally recognized social psychologist Robert B. Cialdini will give a public lecture on “The Power of Persuasion” on Wednesday, Feb. 20, at 7 p.m. in the Student Union Theater. The 19th Annual OSU Research Symposium and McNair Research Conference also starts tomorrow. For a list of student paper and poster presentations through Friday, click on the following link
The Venture I open house and guest speaker presentations from Lisa Cary of the University of Texas and Andrea Hunter of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro are among Thursday’s highlights. Get all the details on Research Week by going to .
OSU commencement ceremonies set for May 3

Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry and Lt. Gov. Jari Askins are set to deliver the 2008 spring commencement addresses at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater on Saturday, May 3. Henry will speak at the 10 a.m. ceremony and Askins will speak at the 2 p.m. ceremony, both in Gallagher-Iba Arena. Approximately 3,000 undergraduate and graduate students are expected to be awarded degrees. Master’s degree and doctoral degree recipients will be recognized at 7 p.m. on May 2 in Gallagher-Iba Arena, with a reception immediately following the commencement ceremony.“Our congratulations go to each of this year’s graduates,” said Interim OSU President Marlene Strathe. “We wish each of them success and happiness in the future and are confident they will make OSU proud.” Click on the following link for more details index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=896&Itemid=90 .
Legal studies flourishing within OSU engineering curriculum

The creative process of engineering often conflicts with the regulatory nature of law practice, but an Oklahoma State University engineering professor is working to bridge the gap between the two professions. Adopting the philosophy “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em,” Marty High completed a juris doctorate himself and created what is believed to be the nation’s only legal studies in engineering curriculum. For the complete story, click on the following link index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=897&Itemid=90 .
Donation of Doel Reed Arts Center celebrated
You can get in on the party celebrating the donation of the Doel Reed Arts Center to Oklahoma State University by clicking on the following link
Technology Business Assessment Group announces request for proposals
The Technology Business Assessment Group is issuing this Request for Proposals for research projects in need of feasibility demonstration, and/or prototype development for commercialization purposes.  Funding is for a one-year period and comes from the OSU Office of Intellectual Property Management and is derived from royalty income.  Submissions are due Feb. 27.  For more information visit, call (405) 744-6930 or email
Spears School aggressively recruiting high school students to train for careers in IT
Instructors in the Management Science and Information Systems Department in the Spears School of Business are letting high school students know that myths circulating about a lack of IT jobs are just that…myths.  The U.S. Department of Labor expects job growth for the next 10 years in Information Technology and there still aren’t enough students graduating with IT degrees to fill job openings. Read all about it in a recent article from the Stillwater NewsPress.
KOSU launches “Classical Gasp”

KOSU has added a new weekly program, Classical Gasp, to its morning and afternoon lineup. Join Dr. Duke Pesta each Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. as he examines current events through the prism of history. Pesta was born in Cleveland, Ohio, where he earned B.A. and M.A. degrees from John Carroll University. Since receiving his Ph.D. from Purdue University, he has taught Shakespeare and Renaissance literature, Russian literature and the Bible, at various colleges across the Midwest. He is currently assistant professor of English at OSU.
Ever wanted to camp out on library lawn?
Habitat for Humanity's Shack-A-Thon is your chance to do just that as student groups construct shacks from materials commonly found in dumpsters, collect donations from students during the day, and sleep in their shacks at night April 2-3. All the money raised helps Habitat for Humanity construct more homes for those less fortunate. Learn all the details and register your friends, resident hall, or organization at a meeting on March 11 at 8 p.m. in CLB 103. For more information before the meeting, join the facebook group "SHACK-A-THON" or email with any questions.
Workshop to cover recent changes to the Graduate Record Examination
The Oklahoma State University Chapter of Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in psychology, will host Alicia Slayter from Kaplan, Inc., to discuss the recent changes to the format of the Graduate Record Examination, which is the test required for many graduate programs.  Substantial changes were made to the test in fall 2007.  Everyone is welcome.  The meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 20, at 5 p.m. in CLB 207.  For more information contact or, faculty adviser.
Get a free practice test for one canned food item

Kaplan will be offering free campus-wide practices tests for students interested in GRE, LSAT, MCAT, DAT, OAT, PCAT or TOEFL administered under simulated testing conditions. Kaplan’s Practice Test is an opportunity for prospective business, graduate, law, medical, dental, optometry and pharmacy students to answer a critical question, "If I took the exam today, how would I score?" In addition to the free practice tests, Kaplan experts will provide an overview of each exam and its role in the admissions process. A few days after the event, participants will receive their scores and a personalized analysis of their performance. The event is co-sponsored by The Storehouse Food Pantry, so test-takers should bring one canned food item to donate. The most needed items include tuna or other canned protein, peanut butter, canned vegetables and fruits, chili with beans, soups and stews, rice, pasta and pasta sauce and 100 percent fruit juice.  Seats are limited and pre-registration is recommended. To register, students may call 1-800-KAP-TEST today or go to .
Can you teach an educational workshop for 4-H youth?
4-H is seeking individuals to teach educational workshops to youth ages 13-19 at the 87th State 4-H Roundup.  Roundup will be held on campus, July 30 – Aug. 1. If you are interested in presenting a workshop, please contact Tracy Branch at (405) 744-8891. 
Distance learning courses still available

There is still time to enroll in the following undergraduate distance learning courses for Spring 2008. Stop by Gundersen 108 today or go online at to find out more information about enrollment. MSIS 2103 -  Business Computer Concepts; MSIS 3223  - Operations Management; MGMT 3023 - Entrepreneurship Fundamentals; ACCT 2103 - Financial Accounting; ACCT 2203 - Managerial Accounting; BADM 2010 - Consumer Law I (1 credit hour) BADM 2010 - Consumer Law II (1 credit hour).
Survey shows business owners dream about work…

Read this and other articles from OSU Ag Communications Services, click here  
How to submit news to OSU Headlines
To submit a short article or announcement for OSU Headlines, just click on the “submit news” link at the bottom of this page and send your information as text or a text file (no poster type or PDF formatted files, please). Please remember to include contact information and try to submit event news a week in advance.
On the calendar…

Business Honors Organization to host business ethics speaker tonight

The Business Honors Organization will host Gary Huneryager, director of internal audits for OGE Corporation, to speak on ethics in business, including fraud prevention and detection as well as corporate culture, at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 19, in Morrill Hall, room 102.  All business students are welcome, and refreshments will be served.  Please visit to download a BHO membership application or contact for more information.
Lecture to explore impact of Western fashion on Russia.

Christine Ruane, an expert on Russian social history, will discuss how fashion affected Russian society in the era of the czars on Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 3:30 p.m. in the Edmon Low Library. Ruane is a history professor and director of graduate studies at the University of Tulsa.  The lecture will also cover her upcoming book, “The Emperor’s New Clothes: A History of the Russian Fashion Industry, 1700-1917.” The free lecture will appeal to those who are interested in fashion and what it says about a society’s ideals and values. It’s also offers a chance to look at some fabulous clothes.” Lesley A. Rimmel, associate professor of history at OSU, will host Ruane’s visit. The lecture is part of OSU’s Research Week 2008 and is funded by the Arts and Humanities Lecture Series of the College of Arts and Sciences at OSU.
Ad Club El Chico Night this Thursday

The OSU Ad Club is inviting everyone to help it raise funds by eating at El Chico (611 N. Perkins) on Thursday, Feb. 21, from 5 – 10 p.m. and identifying yourself with the Ad Club. This fundraiser helps make travel, events and scholarship awards possible.  Ad clubbers involved in El Chico Night can also get bonus points from the following classes JB -2013-001 - PRINC OF ADVERTISING,  JB -3013-001 - ADVRT MEDIA & MARKETS, JB -3603-001- ADVRT COPYWRITING, JB -3803-001 - ADVRT LAYOUT & DESIGN, JB -4603-001 - INTEGRATED MKTG COMM and JB -4663-001 - PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO. For more information about Ad Club, e-mail adviser or phone (405) 744-8267.
Team captain meeting set for Relay for Life
American Cancer Society Relay For Life 2008 of Oklahoma State University is holding the first team captain meeting on Thursday, Feb. 21, at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union Exhibit Room 413.  Relay For Life is a fundraising event for the American Cancer Society.  Teams, consisting of eight to 15 people, raise money and spend an entire night (April 11) celebrating and remembering those who have battled cancer.  Team members take turns walking around a track throughout the night, getting a glimpse of what it is like to have struggled with cancer. Early bird registration is $5 and ends Feb. 21. Go to .
Families with adolescents sought as study participants
The Child and Adolescent Relationship Lab directed by Dr. Michael Criss has begun collecting information on communication styles between parents and adolescents (ages 14-18). Topics explored include adolescent Internet and cell phone use, parental monitoring and discipline, and related issues. Participating families will receive up to $120. Interested families can contact the CARL Project by phone (405) 334-3904 or e-mail:
Daffodil Days to fight cancer

Orders are now being accepted for the American Cancer Society’s annual Daffodil Days, which enables people to join the fight against cancer by raising funds and sharing hope for a future where the disease no longer threatens loved ones. OSU faculty, staff and students may order daffodils by Feb. 21 at 5 p.m. by calling the Service-Learning Volunteer Center at (405) 744-5145. For a $10 donation, you will receive 10 daffodils; for a $15 donation, you will receive a Cheer Bouquet, which is an etched vase with daffodils; and for a $25 donation, you will receive a collectible Boyds Bear and 10 daffodils. Departments may pick up information sales packets at 030B Student Union. For more information, contact Joyce Montgomery at (405) 744-5145.
Screen Studies to host Michelle Citron

The Screen Studies program will host “Border Crossings,” a talk with screenings by the internationally renowned experimental filmmaker and mixed-media artist Michelle Citron on Wednesday, Feb. 20. Citron will show and speak about the trajectory of her work as it has moved between different media, different questions, and different moments. Her talk will start at 5 p.m. in Noble Research Center, room 207. For more information, e-mail or the English Department at 405-744-9474.
Creative Lightning competition seeks entries

The OSU Advertising Club is sponsoring the third annual Creative Lightning Awards, a creative competition for Oklahoma college students. Categories include graphic design, photography, art (2D and 3D), illustration, interactive, broadcast, film and even an “other” category that can cover things like apparel or architectural design. You can submit anything from class projects to independent work such as posters you made for a concert. The statewide competition among higher ed students gives you a chance to have award-winning work in your portfolio, get valuable feedback and make contacts. Call for entries will be Friday, Feb. 29. Mailed entries must have a postmark deadline of Friday, Feb. 22.  Visit for all the details about the Creative Lightning Awards (or print yourself a flyer). Contact Emma Adair at with any questions. The awards show is March 9. Join the Facebook group at
International Bazaar set for Feb. 23
International Student Organization at OSU will hold its annual International Bazaar for the spring semester on Saturday, Feb. 23, at the Wes Watkins Center. (This is a new date that changes those previously published.) ISO's different cultural clubs and others clubs throughout campus will set up booths sell foods, souvenirs, etc, and to share any other aspects of the cultures around the world. This year’s event will also feature an art exhibition from different cultures and local businesses. Cash and Bursar charge (with Student IDs) are accepted. If you would like to register a booth to sell food or to display art works, phone 405-744-6506 or e-mail
“Eating Disorder Awareness Week” Feb. 25 – 29
Peer health educators from Share the WEALTH will host an “Eating Disorder Awareness” booth Tuesday, Feb. 26 – Thursday, Feb. 28 from 10a.m. – 2 p.m. in the Student Union across from bookstore.  Information will be provided on anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, helping a friend who has an eating disorder, dieting risks, self-image, and exercise. The Student Counseling Center is also offering walk in times during the week for students to take an online screening assessment and talk with a counselor about their results.  The free, confidential online screening tool can be accessed on the SCC website prior to coming in ( ) or can be taken when the student arrives at the booth.  No appointment is necessary.  Counselors will be available at the booth.  Meetings with counselors are for consultation purposes only.  Recommendations for counseling or referral will be provided.
ECO-OSU to host free screening of Revolution Green
Join ECO-OSU for the screening of Revolution Green, a revealing documentary about biodiesel and its importance to the world economy, Thursday, Feb. 28, in Noble Research Center room 106 at 7 p.m.  It follows one man’s vision to manufacture biodiesel and one man’s determination to spread the word; one man’s quest to use it in his big rig, and one man’s desire to farm his soybeans for biodiesel. Their unique perspectives on living a sustainable way of life offer audiences a chance to make a difference in simple everyday choices. Free popcorn. For more information, please visit or
Effective decision making seminar set
Success is a direct result of decision making skills. Learn how to hone your “Decision Making and Critical Thinking” at a seminar featuring Dr. Robert Dooley on Feb. 28 from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Jenn Doerksen at or call 405-744-5210. Also, go online at
SODA meeting Feb. 27
The Sexual Orientation Diversity Association will present a special program on Wednesday, Feb. 27 at 7:30 p.m. in Classroom Building 102, which requires two canned goods for admission. The program will spotlight  the arts of grooming, clothing, organization, cleanliness, and etiquette. For more information, e-mail
Blue Key to host faculty night out
Blue Key Honor Society would like to show appreciation to on-campus faculty by hosting a faculty night-out on Friday, March 7, at Countryside Baptist Church. OSU faculty will have a chance to have a night away from the kids (ages 2 - ???) from 7 -10 p.m. while the children enjoy food, movies, crafts and games. Interested faculty should RSVP by contacting Bailey Gordon at by Feb. 29.
Black American Military Experience Collection opens at the library

The OSU Library will hold a collection opening for the Black American Military Experience Collection Thursday, Feb. 21, at 7 p.m. in the Peggy V. Helmerich Browsing Room. The opening will feature speaker Gail Buckley, author of “American Patriots: The Story of Blacks in the Military from the Revolution to Desert Storm.” This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 744-7331, or e-mail
“Green Building” is topic at support personnel meeting
Bud Patterson of Trinity Construction will make a presentation titled “Green Building” at the next meeting of the Land Run Professionals Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals on Thursday, Feb. 21, at 5:30 p.m. in room 115 McElroy Hall at the corner of McFarland and Farm Road. The group of office support personnel meet every second Thursday of the month and offer a chance to network as well as expand interpersonal skills and comfort levels and access personal and professional development resources. For more information, contact Janet Griebel, CPS/CTM at or Mary Kay Jennings at
“Living a Legacy” to feature female brass

Lt. Col. Consuelo Castillo Kickbush, the highest ranking Hispanic woman in the U.S. Army combat support field, will speak on “Living a Legacy,” Thursday, Feb. 21, at 2:30 p.m. in the Student Union Theater. Kickbush is a renowned charismatic, passionate, influential speaker and author who carries a powerful message. A reception will follow in the Centennial Lounge room 300 in the Student Union. Questions? Contact,
A&S award applications available
Applications for the College of Arts and Sciences 2008 Dan Wesley Outstanding Junior Award and the 2008 Top 10 Senior Award are now available in LSE 213 or Student Union 060. Students are eligible for both if they are earning one or more majors through A&S.  Applications are due Friday, Feb. 22, at 4:30 p.m.  Recipients of these awards will be honored at the College of A&S Honors Banquet on Friday, April 11. For more information, contact Trey Lewis at or phone: (405) 614-0735.
Volunteer readers sought for Read Across America

Local coordinators for Read Across America are requesting you call them if you’re willing to volunteer about 30 minutes to read to elementary students on Monday, March 3.  Volunteer readers are needed for  Highland Park Elementary from 10 a.m. or 2:30 p.m.; Richmond Elementary from 9 a.m. or 9:30 a.m.; Sangre Ridge from 9:30 a.m. or 1:30 p.m.; Skyline Elementary at 2 p.m.; Westwood Elementary at 9 a.m. or 10:30 a.m., and Will Rogers Elementary at 2:30 p.m. This year, Read Across America is celebrating the 104th birthday of Dr. Seuss. To volunteer, please see Tonya Jones in the Office of the Bursar in 113 Student Union, call Terri Moorman at 372-5723 or e-mail with your name, address, phone and e-mail along with the school and time you prefer. The deadline to sign up as a reader is Feb. 21. 
Faculty workshop to focus on students’ critical thinking skills
How can faculty help students improve their critical thinking skills?  This workshop will focus on assessing and improving students’ achievement of the general education learning goal for critical thinking. Since development of critical thinking skills is a goal in many courses, not just courses with general education designations, all faculty are encouraged to participate in this discussion. The workshop is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 29, from noon-2 p.m., in 211 Student Union (Oklahoma Room). Lunch will be provided for registered participants. Please register by contacting or call Kyla at (405) 744-6687. 
OSU Soccer Spring Break Clinic coming soon

Boys and girls of all ages are being invited to develop their soccer skills with OSU Head Coach Colin Carmichael and OSU Assistant Coach Tony Economopoulos at the OSU Soccer Spring Break Clinic on March 17 and 18 at the OSU Soccer Facility. Coach Carmichael was named 2006 Big 12 Co-Coach of the Year and Soccer Buzz National Coach of the Year Runner up. He is also a USSF “A” licensed coach. The OSU staff will be assisted by current Cowgirl soccer team members who are fresh off a second consecutive trip to the second round of the NCAA tournament. So bring your soccer ball and be ready to have some fun training with champions while working on dribbling, shooting, passing, and receiving skills. The fee is $60 per person and includes a clinic T-shirt. For more information, contact Tony Economopoulos at (405) 744-3343 or email at
Applications available for Phoenix Award
Each spring, the Graduate and Professional Student Government Association selects an outstanding master’s student, doctoral student, and faculty member to present with its highest honor: the Phoenix Award. The award recognizes exemplary achievement in leadership, scholarship, professional involvement and university and community service, especially as it relates to involvement with graduate students.  The student award winners each receive a $750 monetary award from the GPSGA and the Graduate College, and all winners have their names engraved on the Phoenix Awards plaque located outside the Graduate College offices in Whitehurst Hall.  The deadline for applications is March 26 at 5 p.m. Questions? Contact: Eric Kennel at All materials for the 2008 Phoenix Award can be found on the GPSGA website,
Class ring orders
An OSU Alumni Association representative and a Balfour representative will be in the lobby area outside the Student Union Bookstore at various times Feb. 26 - 28 so students can order their class ring in time for graduation. Students must have earned 60 credit hours and be in good academic standing to be eligible to purchase a ring. Times are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday. For questions, please call Amanda Rundle at (405) 744-8716.
Consider the Student Academic Mentor program
Become a teaching assistant with the Student Academic Mentor program. Need some great resume-building volunteer experience?  Interested in welcoming new students to OSU?  Want to assist an instructor with a freshman orientation class?  Then the SAM program is for you!  SAMs help new students for the four days during ALPHA and serve as teaching assistants to freshman orientation classes one to two hours per week throughout the fall semester.  Students selected for the program will receive a free T-shirt, and those with positive performance evaluations will receive a $50 stipend.  All SAMs must have at least a 2.5 GPA and submit a completed application. Visit to download the application, or pick one up at University Academics Services in 214 Student Union. Contact 744-5333 or email for more information. Applications are due Monday, March 31.
Noon Concert Series at the library
The Noon Concert Series at the OSU Library will feature the Trombone Choir and Brass Quintet on Thursday, Feb. 28, at noon in the Peggy V. Helmerich Browsing Room. Guests are invited to bring a lunch; drinks and desserts are provided. For more information, call 744-7331, or e-mail For more concert dates and Library events, please visit:
Faculty workshop to focus on students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes about diversity
How can faculty help students develop the expected knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding diversity?  This workshop will focus on assessing and improving students’ achievement of the general education diversity learning goal.  Faculty who lead the general education assessment process will discuss characteristics of class assignments that can help students achieve the goal and provide artifacts for institutional assessment. The workshop is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 22, at noon in Suite 1600, Student Union. Lunch will be provided. Please register by contacting or call Kyla at x6687. 
 “Defining Program Outcomes for Assessment” webinar set for Feb. 27
Faculty are invited to participate in a webinar presentation on "Defining Program Outcomes" Wednesday, Feb. 27, at 1 p.m. in 103 ATRC. The 90-minute session will include on-screen presentations and multiple opportunities for questions. The presenter, Dr. Gloria Rogers, is the co-author of “Stepping Ahead: An Assessment Plan Development Guide,” and an interactive CD, “Assessment Planning Flowchart” to aid programs in assessment plan development. Although the webinars are presented by ABET, Inc., the organization that accredits engineering schools, the presentation will be useful for faculty in all disciplines. Lunch will be provided for registered participants in the ATRC atrium at 12:30 p.m. Space is limited, so please register soon by e-mailing in the University Assessment and Testing office, or call Kyla at (405)744-6687.
Seretean Wellness Center – to hold “just veggies” classes

Veggies are loaded with essential nutrients and can be served a variety of ways. Discover not only new vegetables, but “old” vegetables with a twist by attending the following classes: Feb 21, Greens, Greens, Greens; Feb 28, Out of the Cellar—Root  Vegetables Come to Life.  All classes will be held at the Seretean Wellness Center Demonstration Kitchen, 1514 W. Hall of Fame from noon – 1 p.m. Cost of each class is $15 per person. Class size is limited. Each class involves a taste testing and recipes. Menus are based on availability of fresh fruits and vegetables and may change without notice. For questions, to register, or for a complete menu contact the Seretean Wellness Center at 744.WELL (9355) or  Check us out at .
Wellness tip: Fructose    
Fructose is a naturally occurring sugar found in fruit. Current nutrition guidelines encourage eating 1.5 - 2 cups of fruit a day to promote health.  However, fructose is also a very popular food additive. The food industry adds it as high fructose corn syrup to a variety of processed products such as soft drinks, snack foods, and desserts. In this form, fructose contributes excess calories and may promote weight gain. Wellness tips are brought to you by the OSU Seretean Wellness Center, dedicated to making OSU the Healthiest Campus in America. For more information about services for students, faculty and staff, call 744-WELL (9355).

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