New parking garage Open, provides 1,100 additional parking spaces
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A picture of (L-R) Jan Hernandez (Assistant Parking Manager), Mark Clark (Electrical
Engineering student), and Steve Spradling (Parking and Transit Directory). Mark Clark
(center) was the first person to park in our new Garage on Monday, August 18th at
6:45 a.m.
Bus routes will begin originating from the Multi-Modal terminal on Monday, August
Because of its location next to the new Mutli-Modal Transportation Facility, which is still under construction, patrons are able to park-n-ride to class, work and final destinations on and off campus.
Beginning Monday, August 25 THE BUS will originate its routes from the Multi-Modal Terminal. All routes, with the exception of the Black route, will shift their main campus pickup/transfer location to the terminal.
For more information on obtaining a parking garage permit and a complete list of bus routes and schedules contact OSU Parking and Transit Services at (405)744-6525 or click on the following link: .