Student Volunteer of the Week
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Cory Steward, far right, along with two members of OSU's Phi Beta Sigma, recently
organized canned food at the Stillwater Salvation Army. The food was donated during
Hunger No More, a canned food drive sponsored by Phi Beta Sigma.
Cory Steward
Tulsa marketing junior
(November 4, 2008 Stillwater, OK) - Cory Steward is serving this year as president of Students in Free Enterprise, is a Greek Volunteer Service Ambassador, and is former president of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity. Within these organizations, he encourages others to donate to worthy causes. He also spends time as a volunteer at the Salvation Army, where he cleans and organizes.
“Volunteering means performing a charitable service or helpful act without pay that directly benefits those who are less fortunate than you,” Steward said.
The OSU Service-Learning Volunteer Center, located in 030B Student Union, promotes the interaction of volunteer work and education. Last year, more than 8,500 OSU students volunteered more than 60,000 hours in the community. Each week the center will present a Servant Leadership Award to an outstanding OSU student volunteer. For more information on volunteering at OSU, go to .