OSU professor named the 2009 Outstanding Accounting Educator
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Charlotte Wright, professor and Lanny G. Chasteen Chair of accounting at Oklahoma
State University, was honored as the 2009 Outstanding Accounting Educator at the Oklahoma
Accounting Educators Conference in Norman, Okla., on May 2.
The award, sponsored by the Oklahoma Society of Certified Professional Accountants, recognizes individuals who have contributed to the accounting field by innovating educational techniques, motivating students and teaching excellence.
“It is really quite a nice honor since it is a state wide award,” Wright said. “There are many deserving accounting educators in the state of Oklahoma and I am humbled to have been chosen for the 2009 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award.”
Individuals nominated for the award must be a full-time or retired accounting educator at a two or four-year Oklahoma college or university, display superior teaching skills, student motivation abilities and notable education innovations, and demonstrate active involvement in professional accounting activities.
Wright came to OSU in 1982 as an assistant professor after obtaining her doctorate from the University of North Texas. Both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees came from the University of Texas in Arlington. As a research assistant at UNT, she worked with the Securities Exchange Commission on developing accounting standards used by many oil and gas companies today.
At OSU, Wright teaches Financial Accounting III and a graduate course titled “International Petroleum Accounting.”
Wright is the coauthor of two books: International Petroleum Accounting and Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Accounting. Her published work includes research articles in journals such as The Accounting Review, The Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, and Advances in Accounting, to name a few.
Her extensive work and success in the oil and gas accounting industry is something she partly credits to an outstanding mentor along her career path.
“Dr. Horace Brock, from the University of North Texas, was my dissertation chair and the director of the Institute of Petroleum Accounting for many years,” Wright said. “He is perhaps the leading expert internationally in oil and gas accounting. His stature in the industry opened many doors for me and we remain very close friends.”
The OSCPA is the only statewide organization for public accountants and represents more than 6,000 professionals in the accounting field. The organization aims to promote the public image and professionalism of CPAs by protecting the interests and designation of CPAs, providing member services (including quality education and opportunities for interaction), and by building and developing leadership skills among CPAs.
For more information on the OSCPA or about the Outstanding Accounting Educator Award, visit http://www.oscpa.com .