OSU Veterinary Center Receives Alpaca Chute
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Dr. Gregor Morgan shakes hands with Robin Howser, Alpacas of Oklahoma board member
and distributor of MSA light livestock equipment at Chisholm Trail Alpacas, as she
presents the alpaca chute to the food animal clinicians, (left to right) Drs. Melanie
Boileau, Suzanne Genova, Katie Simpson, and Robert Streeter. National representatives,
Cookie Bowers (far left) and Jess Bowers (far right) are on hand for the presentation
along with several alpaca owners not pictured.
“OSU has saved every alpaca I have brought here,” smiles Howser. “Without their expertise, my animals would have died.”
According to Howser, Michael Alpert, a former board member, came to her and said that ‘we need to get OSU a chute; you’re the distributors and you need to get one up there,’ which planted the seed that led to yesterday’s delivery.
“We have cattle chutes made for animals weighing 1,200 to 1,400 pounds,” explains Dr. Mark Neer, director of the veterinary hospital. “Alpacas weigh 120 pounds on average. The alpaca chute is made for these smaller animals and we are extremely grateful to Alpacas of Oklahoma, MSA and Chisholm Trail Alpacas for this generous donation.”
“The alpaca chute comes with belly straps to keep the animals from laying down, especially when a veterinarian is trying to perform an ultrasound on a pregnant alpaca,” adds Janice Robinson, wife of John Robinson, president of Alpacas of Oklahoma. “This chute will allow OSU clinicians to better evaluate our alpacas.”
Also on hand for the equipment delivery were: Howser’s husband, Roger, and son, Travis; Michael Alpert, Ed and Sue Downs, Karon Storm, and Jess and Cookie Bowers with the national Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association, of which Alpacas of Oklahoma is an affiliate. Representing OSU were: Drs. Mark Neer, Gregor Morgan, Robert Streeter, Melanie Boileau, Katie Simpson, Suzanne Genova and Kathryn Cass.