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U.S. Soldiers display OSU Spirit in Iraq

Thursday, July 30, 2009

(June 30, 2009   Stillwater, OK) – The Oklahoma State University Center for Veterinary Health Sciences shipped an OSU flag overseas to a member of the Oklahoma Army National Guard about two months ago.  Sgt. James Bozarth, a member of Battery C, 158th Field Artillery, was the recipient of the flag, as he serves a tour of duty in Iraq. His wife, Deanna Bozarth, works in Central Sterilization at the veterinary center’s Boren Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital.

Sgt. Bozarth had told his wife that there are many college flags flown by graduates and fans at his base, and this included a flag from OU.  Some of the flags were autographed by the school’s football team and he thought it would be nice if the OSU graduates and supporters had a flag to proudly fly.  And Deanna wanted to make that happen.

Thanks to the help of Dr. Mark Neer, director of the veterinary hospital, and Jeff Cathey, Sr. Development Officer for the veterinary center, the Athletics Department was contacted and OSU’s football team and coaches gladly autographed an OSU flag, which the veterinary hospital then shipped to Sgt. Bozarth.

The Oklahoma State University Center for Veterinary Health Sciences is one of 28 veterinary colleges in the United States and is fully accredited by the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association.  The center’s Boren Veterinary Medial Teaching Hospital is open to the public and provides routine and specialized care for small and large animals.  It also offers 24 hour emergency care and is certified by the American Animal Hospital Association. 

For more information, visit or call (405) 744-7000.

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