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Executives offer advice to OSU students at 8th annual Spears School CEO Day

Monday, April 12, 2010

Rick Darnaby
Rhonda Hooper
Griff Jones

By Lauren Williams, Spears School Communications Intern

(April 9, 2010   Stillwater, OK) – The Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University hosted three chief executive officers a public forum about "Opportunities in a Global Economy” on April 6 in the Oklahoma State University Student Union Theatre in Stillwater.

The forum was part of the eighth annual Spears School of Business CEO Day and featured feature OSU alumni Rick Darnaby, managing partner of Darnaby & Associates LLC; Rhonda Hooper, president and CEO of Jordan Associates; and Griff Jones, CEO of Eagle Energy Partners. The event was sponsored by the Business Student Council.

“I think CEO Day is great opportunity for students to come ask questions,” Jones said. “In school, there is a lot of theoretical, book knowledge that we can apply at times. I think students have an advantage hearing practical knowledge as well. It can add different elements to their university education.”

CEO Day was first held in 2003 to allow students to interact with successful business people, discover challenges and issues CEOs face, understand how CEOs charter their career paths, discover characteristics they seek in employees and learn about CEOs.

“I absolutely would have participated in an event like [CEO Day] when I was in school,” Darnaby said. “I think it is one of the two most important things students can be doing. You want to develop your brain muscle and the two ways to do that are: pick something you want to be a master at and meet people and network.”

At the forum, all three CEOs spoke to students about things they wish they had learned in school or gave advice they have learned through their years in the business world.

“I always tell students students it is okay to not know where you are heading, but they need to work to develop their personal brand,” Hooper said. “Students should always strive to be relevant, learning and evolving as a human being and in their profession.”

For more information about the Spears School CEO Day, call 405-744-5064 or visit



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