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May 2010 Hargis Column

Monday, May 24, 2010

Student Union project enhancing OSU treasure

We have enjoyed record construction and improvements to the Oklahoma State University campus in recent years and we now are embarked on a historic renovation of the Student Union.  You may have noticed that the facelift is in full swing. 

The OSU Student Union has served as the main campus gathering place for 60 years and today more than one million visitors pass through its doors every year.

OSU President Henry Bennett’s 1937 campus plan included a union that would become the hub of campus life and a venue for public use.  Students shared that vision and funded the $4.3 million project through a self-imposed tax. 

The Student Union groundbreaking took place in 1948 and the building opened in 1950.  The building has been expanded and upgraded through the years to address student and campus needs.  With more than 611,000 square-feet, the union is the country’s largest and most comprehensive, with a hotel, fine dining, parking garage and a long list of services. 

OSU students continue to believe strongly in the mission of the Student Union.  They are to be commended for approving a student fee in 2007 to generate the initial $50 million for the current $80 million project.  The remainder will be funded through university funds, bonds and private donations.

The project will expand and enhance space, improve traffic flow and address aging infrastructure.  A highlight is a plaza being built between the union and Classroom Building.  In response to student and employee feedback requesting increased casual space for gathering and interaction, the plaza will serve as a “town center” for the campus and feature expanded outdoor seating, pleasant landscaping and plenty of room for outdoor programming. 

The renovation inside the building is under way and this month we are opening bookstore and dining services in a temporary building off the northeast corner of the Classroom Building.  The facility, called U-too, will house the union’s core services for a little more than a year.  We expect to open the new and improved union in August 2011. 

The completed project will combine the union’s bookstore and apparel shop into one large comprehensive store.  Dining will be improved with new, fresh concepts and an updated area with more seating. 

A welcome change will be the relocation of the Campus Life organization to the second floor.  With more space and greater visibility, Campus Life can do an even better job connecting students to service and leadership opportunities in OSU’s more than 400 student organizations. 

As a result of the project, we are pleased the union will be designated a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified building.  We are using environmentally responsible materials, sustainable architecture techniques and taking other energy efficient steps to promote a green building.

This major update to one of our most prized buildings will cause some disruption, but the work means the OSU Student Union will continue its legacy of service and community for generations to come.  In the end, this campus jewel will shine brighter than ever.

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