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OSU Spears School of Business to kick off 2010-2011 management and professional development seminars in September

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University will launch its exciting line-up of Management and Professional Development Seminars on September 9. Each year, the OSU Management and Professional Development Seminars offer an opportunity for participants to enhance their management skills and leadership abilities.  

These seminars are offered each year on the OSU-OKC campus and OSU-Tulsa campus. The seminars are taught by instructors from the OSU Spears School of Business and are coordinated by the OSU Center for Executive and Professional Development.  

“The Management and Professional Development Seminars are always a fun and exciting program series to look forward to each year,” said Mandy McKinney, CEPD program coordinator. “We take the knowledge and talent of OSU Spears School instructors and bring it to the Oklahoma City and Tulsa communities to improve our state’s business and government professionals.”

The first five seminars include:

-“Words at Work: Business Writing for Success,” presented by OSU management instructor Kim McCrackin, September 9, 9 a.m. to noon, OSU-Tulsa, $199 registration fee ($325 registration fee if attending both sessions on September 9)
-“Professional Business E-mail Writing and Etiquette,” presented by OSU management instructor Kim McCrackin, September 9, 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., OSU-Tulsa, $199 registration fee ($325 registration fee if attending both sessions on September 9)
-“Decision Making in an Uncertain Business Environment,” presented by OSU professor of management Robert Dooley, September 15, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., OSU-OKC, $325 registration fee
-“Creating and Developing High Performance Teams: Appreciating Diversity,” presented by OSU-Tulsa vice president of academic affairs Raj Basu, September 23, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., OSU-Tulsa, $325 registration fee
-Supervisory Program: “Changing Roles: Understanding Power and Leadership,” presented by OSU associate professor of management Ken Eastman, September 30, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., OSU-OKC, $325 registration fee ($450 registration fee if attending both Supervisory Program sessions)
-Supervisory Program: “Coaching, Enhancing Employee Performance and Mentoring,” presented by OSU-Tulsa vice president of academic affairs Raj Basu, October 1, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., OSU-OKC, $325 registration fee ($450 registration fee if attending both Supervisory Program sessions)

Organizations or companies with three participants in any one session receive a fourth registration free of cost. Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) are awarded to participants. The complete program lineup and more details are listed online at

“In today’s business world, a company must have employees with superior skills and knowledge to be successful,” said Wravenna Bloomberg, CEPD program coordinator. “This program series is designed to deliver that competitive advantage to those who attend.”

For more information about the OSU Management and Professional Development Seminars in Oklahoma City email Mandy McKinney at . For more information about seminars in Tulsa, email Wravenna Bloomberg at