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Spears School professor to serve as keynote speaker at international Web 2.0 conference

Monday, January 11, 2010

(January 11, 2010 Stillwater, OK) – Nicholas Romano, associate professor of management information systems in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University, will serve as the keynote speaker at an international Web 2.0 conference in April.

The Web 2.0 conference will take place at the Brunel Business School in West London. Those speaking will be coming from all around the world with a total of five countries present.

Romano’s address, titled “Cloud Computing in Web 2.0,” will define and explain “cloud computing” in terms of its evolution as a platform and relationship to other modern computing concepts such as grids and SaaS. The discussion will include the current state and future of the Internet in terms of metaphors such as “Web 2.0” that may be limiting transformational progress and how “cloud” may be a better choice.

“There is a great deal of discussion of ‘cloud computing’ and ‘Web 2.0’ in academia and industry” Romano said. “This presentation will introduce Cloud Computing in Web 2.0 and bring it down to earth from high in the skies.”

Web 2.0 is an international conference exploring technology-enhanced learning, systems and security.

“The next Web generation will involve computer-based communication, information sharing, inter-operability and collaboration to support these processes” Romano said. “This will encourage social media and help in getting people informed around the world.”

Romano received his Ph.D in Management information systems from the University of Arizona in 1998. At Oklahoma State University, he teaches courses about: database systems design, management and administration; information systems project management, and communication and systems analysis and design. During the spring 2010 semester, he will be a visiting professor at the University of Bocconi in Milan, Italy.

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