Chinese university president pays return visit to further partnership
Monday, October 17, 2011
Discussions with the delegation included undergraduate joint degree programs, receiving
Chinese Scholarship Council doctoral students, and an honors student summer institute.
OSU’s Division of Student Affairs and Career Services provided the delegation the
latest staff training and exchange program information to assist SWJTU administrators
in improving their own program. The delegation also visited the Honors College, Graduate
College, College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology, and College of Agricultural
Sciences and Natural Resources.
President Chen expressed his appreciation to OSU for hosting more than sixty SWJTU
honors students for engineering and English training during the summer, as well as
twelve SWJTU student affairs administrators for OSU's International Symposium on Student
Affairs this past July. He is very happy that thirty SWJTU students are currently
studying at OSU this fall semester through exchange programs, joint degree programs
or graduate programs.
OSU President Burns Hargis hosted a luncheon to welcome the delegation and recognize
the contributions that SWJTU has made to OSU’s efforts to enhance Chinese language
programs and study abroad programs in China. He expressed hope that a growing number
of OSU students will learn the value of an international experience and better appreciate
the cultural understanding they can gain. OSU formally established a partnership with
SWJTU in 2007. Since then, more than six OSU students have studied at SWJTU for one
semester or one year.
SWJTU, located in Chengdu, China, is a comprehensive national research institution
featuring transportation engineering and civil engineering. It was founded in 1896.