Freshman Friday: Drew Mireles
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Oklahoma State University is offering a closer look into the lives of its freshmen students. Each Friday, one freshman will be highlighted on the OSU Facebook page as part of the "Freshman Friday" feature. The freshmen profiles will share students' first impressions and experiences at OSU and create a unique way for others to get to know first-year students. If this is your first year at OSU and you want to participate in "Freshman Friday," please contact Amy Wilson at
Age: 18
Hometown: Gruver, TX
Major: Athletic Training-Pre Professional
Classification: Freshman
Why did you choose to attend OSU?
The atmosphere of the town is awesome! When I came to visit the college, everyone
on campus was very welcoming. I also love the small town feel. I came from a town
of 1,000 people, so going to a school like OSU was a little different. I was so excited
when I experienced the non-college side of Stillwater. I felt like I was back home
in Gruver.
What has been your favorite experience so far?
The football games have been the best thing so far. I have only seen a handful of
college football games in my life, and all I ever heard anyone talk about was going
to an OSU football game. They were right. It was a blast! I am already looking forward
to next season!
What do you wish you would have known before coming to college?
Thankfully I had two older sisters before me go to college, so I learned from their
mistakes what to expect and to avoid. I guess one thing that threw me off was the
fact that the professors won't always know your name. Back in Gruver, the biggest
class I had was twenty students. I have two classes this semester with 200+. Getting
to know your teacher was something I had to get used to.
What changes do you hope to see during your years at OSU?
One thing I can't wait to be done is the construction on the Student Union Building.
The building is going to look amazing! Also, I hope to see OSU beat OU the next three
years I am here.
Where do you see yourself after graduation?
Depending on where God wants me to go, I want to do clinics overseas while doing mission
work. I want to travel to poverty stricken countries and help fight diseases while
spreading God's word.
What advice would you give to high school seniors who are thinking about coming to
Coming to OSU was the best decision I have made so far in my life! After coming to
look at OSU my senior year, every other college I went to visit wasn't even close
to what OSU had to offer. Besides, just about everybody looks better in OSU orange!