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OSU graduate degree alums satisfied and employed

Monday, August 29, 2011

A recent survey of graduate degree alums from Oklahoma State University shows an overwhelming majority are employed and “satisfied” to “very satisfied” with their educational experience.

“We were pleased to find a high degree of satisfaction in the overall survey which included OSU alumni from graduate programs who graduated in calendar years 2005 and 2009,” said Jeremy Penn, director of the Office of University Assessment and Testing at OSU.

The survey was conducted in January through April of this year and administered online and as a telephone interview. A total of 978 alumni completed the survey, resulting in a response rate of 45.1 percent, according to Penn.

Highlights from the 2011 Survey of Alumni from Graduate Programs include:

• 92% of doctoral degree respondents and 89% of master's degree respondents were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with their overall educational experience at OSU.

• 89% of respondents were employed and only 4% were currently seeking employment (7% were not employed and not seeking employment).

• 90% of employed alumni reported that their OSU education had prepared them very well or adequately for their current position.

• 27% of alumni who were employed full-time reported salaries greater than $75,000. The most frequently reported salary range was $35,000 - $44,999 (17%).

• 57% of respondents were currently living in Oklahoma (17% in Stillwater, 40% in other Oklahoma communities). Texas was the second most common state of residence (12% of respondents).

The 2011 Survey of Alumni from Graduate Programs was conducted to identify institutional strengths and areas for improvement, track career and continuing educational trends, and assess learning achievement perceptions.

“The survey is part of OSU’s commitment to excellence in student learning, to high quality academic and co-curricular programs, and to student success,” said Penn.

To review the full report on the survey, go to