OSU student receives $5,000 scholarship
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Oklahoma Business Roundtable has awarded a $5,000 Paulsen Award scholarship to Faith Garlington, an MBA and International Studies Graduate Certificate candidate at OSU. The Knoxville, Tenn. native was selected as a winner following an interview process before a panel of roundtable members who question students about their views on shaping Oklahoma’s economic policy.
The scholarships can be used for tuition for the fall 2011 semester at any college in Oklahoma. Garlington qualified for the interview process because her graduate division team, Hydrosolutions, recently competed in the Governor’s Cup business plan competition. Her team is a finalist for the OG&E Positive Energy Award.
Garlington also will have the opportunity to address members of the roundtable later this year. The roundtable group supports and encourages business investment and jobs in Oklahoma. For more information on OBR scholarships, go to www.okgovernorscup.org.