Running for Emily results
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Our runners joined 25,000 others and prevailed in the face of gale-force winds, torrential rain, bone-chilling temperatures, pea-sized hail, lightning strikes – in other words, typical May Oklahoma weather. It was certainly a ‘Run to Remember.’
Everyone on the 11 teams put their all into this, with resounding success. A lot
of hard work was put into this by a lot of great people.
Emily's Eagles (Dr. Jeff Edwards, Dr. Joe Armstrong, Dr. Chad Penn, Dr. Jason Warren,
and Dr. Brett Carver) - 3 hours 27 min
Emily's Fortis (Dr. Ed Miller, AJ Foster, Connor Ferguson, Kyle Blakenship, Pat Bell) - 3 hours 49 min
Emily's Familia (Romulo Lollato, Francisco Flores, Evan Booher, Alex Barreiro, Guilherme Torres) - 3 hours 50 min
Emily's Heroes ( Courtney Dunkel, Ethan Wyatt, Dominic Wick, Tanner McBride, and Paula) - 4 hours 01 min
Cowboys for Emily (Kali Bell, Katy Butchee, Richard Austin, Josh Porter, and Melissa Booher) - 4 hours 10 min
Emily's Turtles (Keenen Taylor, Dillon Butchee, Chris Thomas, Casey Andrews, and Austin Terhune) - 4 hours 13 min
Emily's Army (Dr. Dave Porter, Dr. Jeff Hattey, Dr. Chad Godsey, Dr. Brian Arnall, and Dr. Kefyalew Desta) - 4 hours 16 min
Empower Emily (Mary Towner, Leslie Elmore, Sharla Lovern, Dr. Sarah Lancaster, Dr. Jen Grindstaff) - 4 hours 42 min
tEaMILY ( Dr. Johnathan Edelson, Bethany Scott, Amber Eytcheson, Johnathan Kelly, and Courtney Whitacre) - 5 hours 10 min
Emily's Entourage ( Jennifer Tresslar, Rebecca Chavez, Deborah Ausman, Dr. Shiping Deng, and Dr. Aihua Xie) - 5 hours 20 min
Emily's Angels (Kristen Hansen, Caoline Nelson, Jeff Gazaway, Sarah Battenfield and Heather Haken) - 5 hours 48 min
Finally, the race is over, but the fund raising continues, so please remember - Emily Grace Stiegler Fund, c/o Citizens State Bank, 4611 W. 6th Street, Stillwater, OK 74074.