Three Oklahoma State students excel at Oklahoma Business Ethics Challenge
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
A team of three OSU Spears School of Business students placed second in the Oklahoma
Student Ethics Challenge, which was held during the Oklahoma Business Ethics Consortium
at Oklahoma Christian University on Oct. 29.
The team consisted of Spears School undergraduate students Mary Kate Barnthouse,
Joe Tobias, and Gina Hancock. They received $1,500 and a trophy as prizes.
Another OSU team also competed in the competition, though they did not place in the
top three teams. It was made up Spears School undergraduate students Jimmy Holland,
Karla Tankut, Jamie Solberg and Kentiya Orange.
In the competition, the students analyzed hypothetical ethics cases. They squared
off against each other in a debate-style format, with one team member going head to
head with a student on the opposing team. To prepare for the competition, the Spears
School students studied ethical theories and researched their cases. The group met
at several different meetings to share their ideas and prepare a solid argument for
their case.
“Analyzing and arguing cases is interesting and fun,” said Andy Urich, the teams’
adviser and an associate professor in the Spears School’s Department of Economics
and Legal Studies. “The students learn a great deal, acquire presentation skills,
learn to think on their feet, and, most importantly, gain confidence in their abilities.”
A group combining the two Spears School teams will get to test their abilities again
at the regional competition in San Antonio on Nov. 12. The students attending the
upcoming conference include Tobias, Tankut, Solberg and Orange.
“The students and I are thrilled about San Antonio,” Urich said. “We hope to have
fun and successful trip!”
For more information about the Oklahoma Student Ethics Challenge, contact Urich by
calling 405-744-8619 or sending an email to