Ecuador study trip open house on Friday
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Jess Mata from St. Charles, Mo. was among the OSU students to travel to Ecuador in March. A native jungle guide from the Amazon region of eastern Ecuador is painting her face. See photo of travel group below story.
Ecuador study trip open house
Students who participated in the Ecuador study-trip associated with the Natural Resources, People & Sustainable Development course in March will be presenting highlights from their work at an open house on Friday, April 20, from 2-4:30 p.m. in room 014 South Agricultural Hall.
Students will display posters addressing the linkages between people and the land in Ecuador, with topics that focus on the ecosystems of the upper Amazonian rainforest, Andes Sierra, and Galápagos Islands; wildlife population and habitat; entrepreneurship of traditional artisan crafts; commercial production of agro-exports; natural resource protection and management; the role and function of NGOs in sustainable development; indigenous culture; traditional tourism and sustainable ecotourism; gender roles and perspectives; food production and diversity; and soil and water conservation.
Dr. Tom Kusmic, who led the trip, invites you to feel free to wander around the displays and casually chat with the students at this come-and-go event. Students will be glad to offer their experiences, stories, insights and enthusiasm. Ecuadorian coffee will be offered for the occasion.