Lay earns top student award from ASABE
Monday, August 20, 2012
Jessica J. Lay is the recipient of the 2012 Pharos of Alexandria Global Learning Award
in recognition of her scholarly accomplishments and professionalism, outstanding leadership
skills, humanitarian service, anddedication to her academic department and to ASABE.
Lay, a graduate student and research assistant in the biosystems and agricultural engineering department at Oklahoma State University, is currently conducting research on the first-flush phenomenon in rainwater harvesting.
Lay’s short-term professional goals include performing research on rainwater harvesting in Sierra Leone and continuing in the field of international development after obtaining her M.S. in biosystems engineering.
A 5-year member of ASABE, Lay has held treasurer and secretary positions in the OSU ASABE Student branch.
Also receiving honors at the ASABE Annual International Meeting in Dallas, Texas was OSU graduate Scott Clark. Clark received the Roger R. and Laura M. Yoerger preprofessional Engineer of the Year Award in recoginition of his outstanding promise as indicated by academic engieering excellence, distinguished leadership and community service. He is now employed by John Deere Harvester Works in East Moline, Illinois.