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OSU/A&M Regents approve personnel actions

Friday, July 27, 2012

Several Oklahoma State University personnel actions were approved during the OSU/A&M Board of Regents meeting Friday in Ardmore.

APPOINTMENTS: Michelle Calvo, assistant professor, animal science; Yolanda Vasquez, assistant professor, chemistry; Christopher Crick, assistant professor, computer science; Elena Pavelescu, clinical instructor, mathematics; Paula Sanders, assistant professor, accounting; Thomas Johansen, clinical associate professor, finance; Yuzhao Zhang, assistant professor, finance; Theresa Brown, assistant professor, applied health and education psychology; Kerry Morgan, clinical instructor, applied health and education psychology; Angel Kymes, assistant professor, educational studies, Penny Thompson, assistant professor, educational studies, Sayeed Mohammad, research assistant professor, chemical engineering; Vu T. Nguyen, research assistant professor, civil and environmental engineering, Bryan Hoskins, assistant professor, division of engineering technology; Kathleen Robinette, professor and head (action grants tenure), design, housing and merchandising; and Ginger Welch, clinical associate professor, human development and family sciences;

From the Center for Veterinary Health Sciences, Jonathan Pucket, clinical assistant professor, veterinary clinical sciences.

CHANGES: Robert Cornell, title change from associate professor to associate professor, head and Anadarko Chair, accounting and Amy Halliburton, title change from assistant professor to clinical assistant professor, human development and family sciences.

From the Center for Veterinary Health Sciences, Dianne McFarlane, title change from associate professor to associate professor and Ricks Rapp professorship, physiological sciences and Lara Sypniewski, title change from clinical assistant professor to clinical assistant professor and Henthorne professorship.

From the Institute of Technology in Okmulgee, Mike Pierce, title change from instructor to instructor and assistant division chair, engineering technologies and Matthew Wooliver, title change from University Police Officer to director and Chief of Police, public safety.

From OSU-OKC, Johnathan Fozard, title change from senior director to senior director and assistant vice presider, information services, and Brad Williams, title change from assistant vice president to vice president, student services.

RETIREMENT: Robert Teeter, animal science, August 10, 2012; Dorothy Schrader, foreign languages, September 7, 2012; Melvin Lacy, accounting, August 1, 2012; William McTernan, civil and environmental engineering, January 4, 2013; Frank Chambers, mechanical and aerospace engineering, August 1, 2012; Lawrence Hoberock, mechanical and aerospace engineering, August 10, 2012; and Billy Johnson, Oklahoma animal disease diagnostic lab, October 2, 2012.

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