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Social Science Seminar Series to address inequality on Feb. 23-24

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Vincent Roscigno, a sociology professor at The Ohio State University, will lecture on “Legitimation, the State and Racial/Ethnic Inequality: The Trail of Tears and the Wounded Knee Massacre” at 3:30 p.m. Feb. 23 in Room 207 of the Noble Research Center at Oklahoma State University.
“Dr. Roscigno has done considerable research in social movements and inequality and stratification. Since both areas are concentrations within the Ph.D. program at Oklahoma State University our graduate group thought he would be an ideal speaker,” said Kristin Waldo, a Bartlesville, Okla., graduate student and president of the OSU Sociology Graduate Student Association.
Roscigno’s visit to the Stillwater campus is part of a two-day 2012 Sociology Graduate Student Association Research Symposium hosted by the OSU Sociology Graduate Student Association. Now in its 12th year, more than 200 students and faculty are expected to attend.
The symposium is from 10 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Roscigno is the symposium’s keynote speaker at 3:20 p.m. on Feb. 24 in Room 236 of Human Sciences. His talk is titled “Play, Problems, and Promise in the Sociological Sandbox.” 
The symposium and both lectures are free and open to the public. For more information, phone (405) 747-8823 or email or The Feb. 23 lecture is made possible through funding provided by the Social Sciences Seminar Series in the College of Arts and Sciences.