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Study abroad numbers on the rise

Friday, January 20, 2012

By Aubrey Raupe

The number of OSU students who have participated in study abroad programs reached a record number last year, with 584 students studying in other countries. These students represented a four percent increase in the number of students who studied abroad the previous year.

Most students, 465, participated in faculty-led trips. The Spears School of Business and College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) topped the list with the most faculty-led trips. The Spears School of Business sent 161 students to study abroad through this type of program and CASNR sent 111 students.

Many of these students received scholarships and other financial support to make their hopes of studying abroad a reality. In all, OSU students studying abroad received $475,890 in scholarships. Several colleges at OSU offer study abroad scholarship options for students, and the Study Abroad office also offers International Studies and Outreach scholarship opportunities. The Donald and Cathey Humphreys Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship and the OSU Provost's Study Abroad Scholarship are two examples.

The Humphreys Scholarship is intended to help those students seeking long-term (eight weeks or more) study abroad experiences, and the Provost scholarship provides financial assistance to eligible students seeking any length study abroad experience. The deadline for both scholarships offered by the Study Abroad Office for summer, fall semester and full year programs is Fri., Jan. 27 at 5 p.m.

Jeff Simpson, study abroad coordinator, said expanding knowledge outside of the traditional classroom is an important part of the educational experience at OSU.

"OSU takes very seriously our responsibility to prepare students for succeeding in a globalized environment upon graduation. One part of this mission is to provide students opportunities for meaningful international experiences. This may include study abroad but there are also many opportunities on campus to gain international experience and increase global competency. Scholarships like the Humphreys, Provost and Gilman allow us to help more students achieve their goals and graduate from our university with truly global opportunities," Simpson said.

For more information about Study Abroad and the Humphreys or Provost Scholarships, visit or the Study Abroad Office located at 005 Classroom Building.

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