Toby Nelson receives research grant from Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
ORAU calls the award “seed money” intended to enrich the research and professional
growth of young faculty in the first two years of a tenure track position. Nelson
may use the grant to purchase equipment, continue research or travel to professional
meetings and conferences. He is one of only 30 professors nationwide to receive
the award this year.
“I am very excited and honored to be a recipient of the award,” Nelson said. “The
funding will help jumpstart my research project and acquire preliminary results for
new funding opportunities.”
Nelson’s research interests include the design and synthesis of novel electrically
conducting polymers for supramolecular materials, structure-property relationships
and sustainable energy. The conducting plastics he works to create will be utilized
as the active components in lightweight, inexpensive and flexible polymers solar cells,
rechargeable batteries and thermoelectrics.
ORAU is a consortium of major Ph.D.-granting institutions created to cultivate collaborative
partnerships that enhance scientific research and the education enterprise of our
nation. In a statement, Dr. Arlene A. Garrison, ORAU vice president of university partnerships, said: “The
Powe awards recognize young faculty who want to establish research credentials and
compete for new funding opportunities. By supporting the research efforts of these
emerging academic leaders, we are making a direct investment in the future of science
and education in our country.”