Edgar Cruz comes to Stillwater
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Cruz to play at the Sheerar Cultural Center
Classical and finger-style guitarist Edgar Cruz from Oklahoma City will perform a
free concert at the Sheerar Cultural Center at 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 18, in the center's
auditorium at 7th and Duncan Street in Stillwater.
Cruz, who has recorded over 16 CDs in styles from classical to flamenco to pop and jazz, will perform as part of the center's annual Cool Classics Concert Series.
Each concert is free and lasts about an hour. A reception, sponsored by the Sherrar Museum Board of Trustees, will follow each concert.
Performances for the rest of the series include:
July 26 - Trio Aleszky
Aug. 2 - Students of Stillwater
Aug. 9 - Appassionata Viola and Harp Duo
For more information, go to www.sheerarmuseum.org or phone (405) 377-0359 or email thesheerarmuseum@sbcglobal.net.