Live painting performance with Yatika Fields
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Interdisciplinary project includes the OSU Museum of Art, OSU Frontiers Ensemble, OSU Art students
Oklahoma State University's new Museum of Art, joined by the OSU art and music departments,
is teaming with acclaimed artist Yatika Starr Fields for an outdoor performance to
celebrate the completion of a ten-panel mural for installation in the Seretean Center.
“Live Painting with Yatika Fields” will be held at the OSU Student Union on April
5 at 6 p.m.
Fields, a Stillwater native and member of Cherokee, Creek, and Osage tribes, is a
contemporary artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Fields iscurrently working remotely with
OSU students to create a series of mural panels for the Seretean Center that explores
the concept of synesthesia – the idea that the senses are all connected and music
could be represented by color and shape. Music students are preparing an improvisational
performance of composer Terry Riley’s landmark 1964 composition, “In C,” inspired
in part by the color palette and basic forms used in the cycle. They will perform
their composition during the live painting event.
Fields will be working hands-on with students to design transitions and surface elements
across the mural panels they have been preparing.
“I am really excited to work with the concept of synesthesia with the students. I
feel it does all work together: music, color, and all around sharing of ideas—the
end process will be very beautiful,” Fields said.
The OSU Museum of Art visiting artist project will culminate on April 5 at 6 p.m.
in an outdoor live painting performance at the StudentUnion Plaza in conjunction with
Native American Awareness Week at OSU. The event will feature the Music students’
soundtrack, performed live by the Frontiers Ensemble, while the Art students, with
Fields, will complete the mural cycle.
Fields was born in Tulsa, OK in 1980. His parents, artists Tom and Anita Fields, encouraged
his pursuit of art—and by the time he graduated from Stillwater High School in 2000,
Fields had won the American Vision Award. Field states that his work creates “a synthesis
of symbolic objects floating and bending on the canvas at all angles; negating the
horizon and the rule of linear experience. The creation mythology of this space is
narrated in my work where Oklahoma meets NYC meets Boston meets Santa Fe.”
LouiseSiddons, Curator of OSU Collections, notes that his work has been described
as combining influences of street art, abstract expressionism, and surrealism with
traditional and contemporary imagery of American Indian culture.
In addition to this special visiting artist project funded by Ken and Mary Ann Fergeson,
the artist has been commissioned to paint a mural in the OSU Museum of Art’s new Postal
Plaza Gallery location under renovation in downtown Stillwater. This work will interact
with The History of Payne County, an existing mural painted by Grace Hamilton in 1963
for the Postal Plaza lobby. The History of Payne County represents a visual history
of the settlement of Stillwater and the surrounding area, including a vision of Plains
Indians being displaced by settlement. Fields’ mural will be installed in the lobby,
adjacent to Hamilton’s mural, creating a visual dialogue between the two, while keeping
in accordance with the aesthetic intent of the renovated, historic building.
The Postal Plaza Gallery, a 1930s era WPA building, is the OSU Museum of Art’s new
downtown facility. It will include teaching and research space as well as multiple
exhibition spaces and storage for the growing permanent art collection. The building
is currently undergoing renovation and will open in the fall of 2013.
The evening performance on April 5 will follow the Oklahoma Native Artist Project
Open Air Market, held on the Student Union Plaza from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The market
is sponsored by the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program at the Edmon Low Library
and includes artists who have been interviewed for the project as well as some who
have not yet participated. Artists willexhibit work for sale in a variety of media,
including beadwork, pottery, painting, and prints.
“Live Painting with Yatika Fields” is a free event and is open to the public. Parking
is available in the Student Union Parking Garage on University Avenue. The activities
on April 5 support programs during NativeAmerican Awareness Week, sponsored by the
OSU Native American Student Association from April 7 through 13.