Special election is set for Tuesday
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Stillwater voters to decide three ballot propositions
Voters in Stillwater are being encouraged to go to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 12, from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. for a special election to decide two bond issues and a permanent one percent sales tax.
The bond issues involve proposed funding for sports facilities and Boomer Lake projects as well as public safety facilities and equipment. Another proposition calls for a permanent one percent sales tax dedicated to transportation and mobility issues. Voters must bring a form of photo identification to their polling place.
For specific details on each proposition, go to http://stillwater.org/government/2013bond.php.
To look at sample ballots, go to http://paynecounty.org/adobe/131112_sample-ballot_election-board.pdf.
If you have questions, you can go to paynecounty.org and click on Election Board for information and contacts or phone the election board at (405) 747-8350.