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America’s Healthiest Campus® Helps Move ‘Ideas into Action’ at Oklahoma Town Hall Conference

Monday, November 3, 2014

Oklahoma State University, represented by Chief Wellness Officer Dr. Suzy Harrington, was a true catalyst for change during the Oklahoma Academy Town Hall conference at the Artesian Hotel in Sulphur, Okla.

Along with 125 other subject-matter experts, Harrington helped generate over 45 pages of legislative recommendation for the field of health in Oklahoma.

Founded by former U.S. Sen. and Gov. Henry L. Bellmon, the Oklahoma Academy’s mission is to improve public policy by building awareness, engaging citizens, developing recommendations, and effecting positive change.

Each October, a different issue facing Oklahoma is addressed at a Town Hall conference in what Harrington describes as a “fabulous exercise in democracy and consensus building.”  

This year’s conference, which lasted from Oct. 26 to Oct. 29, was the first year the issue of health had been covered since 2002.

 “The Oklahoma Academy is a trusted force for positive policy change in Oklahoma,” said U.S. Congressman Tom Cole. “By bringing together industry, business, education, health, agriculture and tribal leaders, the Oklahoma Academy develops constructive solutions for our state’s future.”

In attendance were college presidents and wellness officers, state representatives, executive directors, the state senator, students, interns and other healthcare advocates.

The subject-matter experts were divided into 5 groups – each group responsible for participating in various health-related panel discussions, leading to the creation of amendment recommendations.

Together, the participants collaborated to produce the final product, 45 pages of legislative recommendation for objectives such as school health, prescription drug mandates, health literacy, and mental health.

“In the final product, everybody felt like they had a say and their view was expressed,” Harrington said. “We look forward to seeing what policies percolate from this.”

On Monday night of the conference, Harrington presented to the Town Hall on comprehensive wellness in the workplace. She also introduced the OSU Wellness Strategy Model, a prototype demonstrating how a multifocal collaboration approach is the true path to wellness.

Grant Irby, a fitness graduate assistant for the Wellness Center, attended the conference as well. Irby participated in all aspects of the conference and voted on the final day.  

“The Oklahoma Academy Town Hall was an excellent experience,” Irby said. “Leaders from around the state came together to tackle the issues that are causing Oklahoma to be one of the most unhealthy states. The final day was spent crafting a document to send to legislators to be the catalyst for change. It was a true practice in democracy.”

Harrington continues to endorse health across Oklahoma, demonstrating Oklahoma State University’s strong commitment to health and wellness. OSU is America’s Healthiest Campus® and Harrington is leading the charge system-wide across the entire Oklahoma State University system including 5 campuses, 5 A&M’s and 77 County extension offices to improve the total health of students, employees and its communities.

For more information about America’s Healthiest Campus®, visit

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