Doctoral Student Win Best Paper Award
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Hancer and Im gathered data from 210 respondents providing useful ideas for hospitality
and tourism practitioners in developing and managing travel related mobile applications
as communication and marketing channels to their targeted users. The resulting paper,
Travelers’ attitude toward travel mobile applications: The role of utilitarian, hedonic
motivation and self-identity, examined travelers’ motivations and self-identity in
shaping attitudes toward the usage of travel related mobile applications.
“Results of this study indicate that the ease of the use is an important factor in
building a favorable attitude both directly and indirectly in using travel mobile
applications. It is important for marketing managers and travel-related application
developers to devote more attention to making applications easier to use while overcoming
the usability limitations of mobile devices.” Im said.
Held yearly, the Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality
and Tourism provides a forum for graduate program administrators, graduate faculty
members and graduate and undergraduate students. It presents an opportunity to explore
contemporary and future educational and research issues in graduate programs and exchange
ideas and information on “state-of-the-art” graduate student research in hospitality
and tourism.