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Fracking is topic at kick-off for science series

Friday, May 23, 2014

OSU experts to explain fracking to kick off library series


OSU experts will offer information on fracking and other drilling techniques to kick off a Science Café OSU community series on “Potential Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration” on Thursday, May 29, at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Stillwater Public Library.

The program features Drs. Todd Halihan and Chad Penn on “Drilling Basics,” and explains the drilling process and oil and gas exploration, including hydraulic fracturing, also known as hydrofracking or fracking, a technique used to release oil and gas from geologic formations. 

The series was triggered by a Science Café meeting at OSU in April on hydraulic fracturing, which attracted more than 150 people, some who wanted to know if there was any relationship between the technique and the recent outbreak of earthquakes in Oklahoma.

“Many questions were raised by community members, so we decided to offer Science Café as a series of community programs at Stillwater Public Library,” said OSU Librarian Karen Neurohr, who is coordinating the program. “We don’t have all the answers. Our intent is to provide information, have civic discussions and increase knowledge.” 


Halihan, an associate professor of hydrogeophysics in geology, evaluates groundwater/surface water interactions and hydraulic testing in fractured aquifers. 

Penn, an associate professor of soil and environmental chemistry in plant and soil sciences, focuses his research on water quality and the re-use of industrial by-products in agriculture and for environmental protection. He studies land application of drill cuttings and fluids and disposal sites.

The series continues on June 5 with “Communities and Housing” featuring Drs. Dave Shideler and Gina Peek who will offer information on community issues related to oil and gas exploration.

On June 12, “Costs and Benefits” with Drs. Larry Sanders and Shannon Ferrell, who will provide facts about state and federal environmental laws that have implications for the industry, communities and consumers.

A forum is scheduled to conclude the series on June 19, which will focus on information about Oklahoma agencies and resources.

Science Café highlights interesting, relevant and current research and features brief presentations followed by discussion and questions. No science background is assumed or required.

Sponsors for Science Café, Stillwater Community include the OSU Library, Stillwater Public Library, OSU Chapter of Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society and OSU Vice-President for Research and Technology.

All events are free and open to the public. The Stillwater Public Library is located at 1107 S. Duck St. (the corner of Duck and 12th Ave.).


For more information, contact the OSU Library at 405-744-2376 or send a message through, or visit the Stillwater Public Library web site at, email or call 405-372-3633