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OSU gets $1.1 million for future math and science teachers

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Juliana Utley

The National Science Foundation has awarded Oklahoma State University a $1.1 million grant to provide Mathematics and Science Robert Noyce Scholarships. The grant will be used to recruit future secondary mathematics and science teachers and support them with scholarship funds, internship opportunities, and professional development during their initial years of teaching.

“We are very excited about this great opportunity to support our students and address the national need for more secondary mathematics and science teachers,” said Juliana Utley, associate professor in mathematics education and the principal investigator for the project. She is joined by co-principal investigators Kristen Baum from zoology, Julie Angle, science education, and Alan Noell, mathematics.

OSU’s secondary mathematics and science teacher preparation program represents a true collaborative effort between the College of Education and the College of Arts and Sciences through the new OSUTeach program. OSUTeach students work on their teacher certification while also earning a degree in mathematics or science.

Funds from the grant will be used to award $10,000 scholarships annually for 12 juniors and seniors who are pursuing degrees in biological science, chemistry, geology, mathematics or physics with teacher certification. Interested students should visit the OSUTeach website ( for more information about opportunities available through this grant, including summer internships for freshmen and sophomores.

The five-year grant began September 1, 2014.