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OSU LASSO coaches offer road maps to success

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

OSU LASSO coaches offer road maps to success
Every student encounters obstacles during their time in college, whether it’s time management, the need for better study habits, or struggling with the transition to a university. At Oklahoma State University, the LASSO Center offers a program to help students get past those obstacles.

The Academic Success Coaching Program is free and is offered to all students. Success coaches can be graduate students, community members and retired faculty who are committed to helping students succeed. The coaches are more than tutors; they help students create a plan to be successful.

“I work with students to help them get passed barriers that come up,” said success coach Marlin Blankenship. “What I do is sit down and work with the students to identify what they need. We work with them to identify a plan to get them past what’s holding them up.”

One common problem for many incoming freshmen is making the transition from high school to college. Success coaches like Paige Vandaveer have the tools and experience to help students navigate that challenge.

“I’ve been through this process that freshmen are experiencing now, coming in and being blindsided by everything and feeling like you’re drowning for that first year,” Vandaveer said. “It’s nice to be able to help students learn time management and study skills, as well as test-taking strategies.”

“There is a level of expectation in high school to be successful, and when you transition to college, that level goes up significantly,” Blankenship said. “A lot of times it catches students off guard. They just need a hand in building a road map to success through that transition.

Coaches are not only for freshmen, they can also help upperclassmen finish their college career strong. Facing a test she had to pass in order to graduate, Brittany Robinson went to a success coach. She is now a coach in the program, and credits her success to the help she received from her coach.

“My success coach gave me the tools I needed to pass the test, and she also opened a door for me,” Robinson said. “A lot of times seniors are very tired. A success coach can get you re-energized and help you make the connections that you need.”

Students can request a success coach by filling out an online request form at or by speaking with their advisor. For more information on the success coach program, call 405-744-3309, email or stop by the LASSO Tutoring Center at 021 Classroom Building.

Story by Jackson Hodges