OSU students design storm-penetrating, search and rescue UAVs
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Students in Oklahoma State University’s unmanned aerial systems degree program have
designed two practical unmanned aerial vehicles as part of their UAS Design and Analysis
course.The first is a vehicle designed to intercept and measure important meteorological
parameters in severe thunderstorms. Called MARIA for Mesoscale Analysis and Research
Investigation Aircraft, the vehicle deploys quickly and can be flown into the lower
parts of developing super cells to improve understanding of storm systems. “The unmanned
aircraft is designed to penetrate thunderstorms and obtain vital meteorological data
for weather forecasting,” says Professor Jamey Jacob. “This data can be used for
both immediate forecasts of the storm’s path and strength as well as for predictive
models to aid meteorologists in their understanding of tornado genesis.” In the second
project, student teams designed, developed and flew a small UAS to search a field
for targets. “Teams were required to fly an autonomous course and return images and
GPS coordinates for various scenarios, including a lost hiker known as Pete,” says
Jacob. “Teams were provided a modest budget to use for their payload and system
OSU has the first (and currently only) UAS degree option at the graduate level in
the nation. The option provides students with a recognized emphasis in instruction
and research and supplies them with hands-on analysis, design, construction and flight
testing of UAS platforms. More information can be found at unmanned.okstate.edu.