OSU Veterinary Center to Host Open House
Friday, March 14, 2014
In addition to self-guided tours through McElroy Hall and the Veterinary Medical Hospital,
attendees can see a flyball/agility demonstration, Oklahoma City Disc Dogs perform,
Circle A draft horses, the Oklahoma City Mounted Police, Sia Eagles, the Payne County
K9 Unit and more.
There is no charge to attend Open House. Items from student veterinary clubs will
be available for purchase and a silent auction will be held to benefit the Avian,
Exotic and Zoo Medicine Service at OSU’s Veterinary Medical Hospital.
OSU’s Center for Veterinary Health Sciences is located on West Farm Road between Hall
of Fame and McFarland. Free parking will be available along the streets and in lots
across from McElroy Hall. For additional information, visit www.cvhs.okstate.edu