Peyton Manning to speak at Oklahoma State University
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
The Student Government Association Speaker’s Board will host the Denver Broncos quarterback in Gallagher-Iba Arena on Wednesday, April 16 at 7 p.m. After a student tweeted to the Speaker’s Board saying Manning would be a great fit for OSU, the board then researched Manning’s availability and was able to book the appearance.
Logan Scott, SGA Speaker’s Board chairman, said Manning will talk about what motivates him, overcoming adversity, and what it takes to succeed as a professional and as a person.
“I think Manning is going to have a very good impact on everybody who comes to this event,” Scott said. “He’s going to be very insightful and I think students are going to walk away knowing that his successes can be a model to build their personal lives.”
Students and fans will have a chance to win two tickets to dine with Manning by participating in a Twitter scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt will take place randomly on the Speaker’s Board Twitter page, @OSUSpeakers. The winner and his or her guest will join Manning with guests from the Speaker’s Board at the O-Club in Gallagher-Iba Arena at 5:30 p.m. on the day of the event.
Students can tweet their questions for Manning to @OSUSpeakers or stop by the SGA office in 211 Student Union to write questions on a comment card. The board will provide several questions to Manning, who will select the final questions to be asked after his keynote address on April 16. The Speaker’s Board will also have four surprise promotional events leading up to the event. Each event will be announced on the board’s Twitter page an hour before it begins. Promotional giveaways will range from food items to Speaker’s Board Manning T-shirts.
Admission is free with a valid OSU ID. General admission tickets can be purchased for $10 on April 16 beginning at noon at the Gallagher-Iba Arena south ticket office. Doors open at 6 p.m.
The OSU Speaker’s Board is a sector of the Student Government Association that works to bring top-notch speakers to the Oklahoma State University campus. SGA allocates funds to clubs and organizations for events that can be enjoyed by the entire student body. It also designs programs to better the OSU campus, community and most importantly, students’ way of life.