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Spring 2014 Visiting Artist Jorge Bachman to give lecture in NovemberPage Title

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


STILLWATER, OK (November 6, 2013)— Jorge Bachman, the OSU Museum of Art second annual visiting artist, will be in Stillwater next week to give an overview of his work and provide a preview of next semester’s collaborative project. Bachman, a multimedia and sound artist, will work with OSU students to create media-based installations from the sound recordings of former OSU Art Professor Dale McKinney (1911-1994). Bachman’s lecture will take place on Nov. 14 at 5:30 p.m. in the Bartlett Center for the Visual Arts, room 109.

Jorge Bachman collects field recordings exploring the strange, unique, and microcosmic sounds of everyday life. His sound installations combine found and created sounds with instrumental performance in unconventional environments. Recently, he has been working with scientists to explore the interaction between sound and brain activity, incorporating their discoveries into his compositions.

As the 2014 visiting artist, Bachman will work both remotely and on site with students during the spring semester to create a public art experience. Bachman's work will be installed at the Postal Plaza Gallery in downtown Stillwater alongside McKinney’s own rarely-seen kinetic sculptures. McKinney was an influential Associate Professor of Art at OSU, as well as a respected painter, printmaker, sculptor. The Department of Art, Art History, and Graphic Design at OSU currently holds archival material from McKinney, including 1,400 reel-to-reel audio tape recordings of found sounds, music, and more that will be used as inspiration by students to create site-specific installations on campus this spring.

The lecture, Meanderings, is free and open to the public. During the lecture, Bachman will provide an overview of his recent work and discuss the upcoming project, which is still open to students.

This visiting artist program will be a unique opportunity for participants to collaborate with a committed group of students and faculty across campus, while promoting interdisciplinary conversations in an intellectually rich and culturally vibrant environment. The lecture, sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Lecture Series and the College of Arts and Sciences, will be followed by a reception in the Gardiner Gallery. The visiting artist workshop is generously sponsored by Ken and Mary Ann Fergeson.

About the OSU Museum of Art Visiting Artist Series

The Visiting Artist Series began last spring with Yatika Starr Fields, a Stillwater native and emerging artist, then based in NYC. Fields worked with music and art students in a project that culminated with a live painting performance set to music on the Student Union plaza and resulted in a 10-panel mural now installed in the Seretean Center for the Performing Arts. Our goal as the program moves forward is to build upon this success, inviting internationally recognized artists to collaborate with our world-class faculty to transform students’ lives, build new connections and widen people’s experience of what art can be.

About the OSU Museum of Art

For more information about the OSUMA and upcoming programming at the Postal Plaza Gallery, visit or call 405-744-2780. The Postal Plaza Gallery is located at 720 S. Husband Street in downtown Stillwater. All exhibitions and programs are offered free of charge. 

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