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January 2015 -- Oklahoma State University response regarding diversity issues raised by former OSU student

Friday, January 16, 2015

Burns Hargis, President-Oklahoma State University

“The university has increased its monitoring of online sites to identify offensive comments and threats. In fact, we contacted one of the primary providers to work with them to better monitor their anonymous sites for offensive comments.

“As president of Oklahoma State University, I place the highest priority on the safety of every student who attends this university.  I remain disappointed and repulsed by the threats and anonymous comments that were made. 

“In my view, diversity is an asset and it makes our community and campus a better place to live and learn. I am committed to doing everything within my abilities to create an inclusive campus where we respect and value each other's differences.”


Jason Kirksey, Vice President of Institutional Diversity, Oklahoma State University

“After reading the open letter to President Hargis by Ayah Abo-Basha, a former student at OSU, I feel compelled to respond since I was also in the meeting to listen and discuss student concerns.  

“President Hargis and the university found the online threats and anonymous comments to be highly offensive and unacceptable.  The university, including campus police, looked into the incidents and contacted a provider of one of the anonymous services.  After the very first incident involving anonymous comments, President Hargis voiced his displeasure and disgust through a video message to students.  

“As a political scientist that specializes in minority politics, I am honored to serve as Chief Diversity Officer at Oklahoma State and I am pleased to work with a university president who takes great pride in diversity and counts it a high priority.  His directive to put greater resources on recruiting more minority students underscores his commitment to diversity.  He values inclusion and believes it creates a more stimulating and intellectual campus community.  We share a common goal with the students who attended the meeting for a campus community defined by respect and civility for all.

 “We are constantly seeking opportunities to share ways to promote even greater diversity and inclusion to enrich the learning experiences at OSU.  We remain committed to working with all members of the OSU community to enrich and fortify a university system that seeks excellence in everything it does."