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Memorial “Remembering Our Fallen” at OSU Thursday

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A traveling photo memorial of Oklahoma’s 121 fallen service members in the war on terror will be on display starting Thursday, Nov. 19, in the Student Union at Oklahoma State University. The emotional memorial, titled “Remembering Our Fallen,” is a stark reminder of the ultimate sacrifice they made and features military and personal photos of each of the fallen, including Stillwater’s own Major Scott Hagerty, U.S. Army, who was killed in action by an IED on June 3, 2008.

The memorial will remain on display at the entrance to the lobby of the Student Union Theater through Monday, Nov. 30. It is one of 17 state memorials representing many of our country’s fallen since 9/11.

“We must remember these American Heroes and speak their names when we see their family members. We can never forget those who sacrificed everything for our freedom,” said Bill Williams, co-creator of the memorial. “While this memorial is about those who have died, it was created for the living…to help the families in their grief, while reminding the rest of us of the terrible price paid for our freedom by our current generation of military.”

The memorial is sponsored by Bellevue University, a private, non-profit university in Bellevue Nebraska, founded in 1966. Created by Patriotic Productions, a non-profit organization headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska. The goal is to complete a memorial for every state. For more information about the memorial, go to or If you would like to host the display or sponsor a memorial not yet completed, please visit the “Get Involved” page at: