OSU task force updates student code of conduct, Cowboy Community Standards
Friday, August 28, 2015
A task force made up of students, faculty and staff at Oklahoma State University has revised the Student Code of Conduct and Cowboy Community Standards.
The task force established by OSU President Burns Hargis worked under the direction of the Office of Student Conduct Education and Administration throughout the summer.
“The purpose for the task force was to update language, redundancies, and to create an organizational student code of conduct because we did not have one previously,” said Ryan Doolin, student representative for the task force.
The Student Organization Code of Conduct was created to give organizations clear direction. The update also revised the section on prohibited conduct.
Kyle Hilbert, OSU Student Government Association president, says it’s important for every student to be familiar with the code and strive to live up to the standards set by the community.
“Being a Cowboy is a privilege,” said Hilbert. “Our Cowboy Code is not a strict set of guidelines to be followed, but is, instead, a reflection of who we are as students, staff and alumni. We are people of integrity who follow the land-grant mission in giving back to our community. We take on the responsibility to uphold social justice and respect those that may be different from us. These values are what has set Oklahoma State apart for 125 years."
The Code of Conduct is centered on the five Cowboy Community Standards: integrity, community, social justice, respect and responsibility. It is designed to educate students about the university’s expectations as well as to foster a safe environment on the OSU campus.
“The university has standards, and it’s important for our students, staff and alumni to meet them,” said Aleigha Mariott, coordinator for student conduct. “We want to keep it positive, though, to show students that the Cowboy ‘way of life’ is something to aspire to be. So we make every effort we can to remind students about three big things: alcohol, drugs and thievery. We do this because we care about you both on and off campus.”
The Cowboy Community Standards, as well as the full code of conduct for the 2015-2016 school year, can be found at studentconduct.okstate.edu.
Story by Matt Cohlmia