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Top 5 Homecoming Royalty Candidates Selected

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Oklahoma State University Alumni Association has announced the OSU Homecoming 2015 Royalty Court. The Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned during halftime of the Oct. 24 Kansas football game. The King and Queen will represent OSU and the Alumni Association at events throughout their year-long reign.

Selection is based on scholastic excellence, campus activities and a genuine desire to represent OSU and the Alumni Association. Students with more than 60 credit hours and a cumulative grade point average higher than 3.0 were encouraged to submit applications. These applications are reviewed by a judges’ panel of OSU faculty/staff, alumni and Stillwater community members. Interviews were held with 15 men and 15 women from those who applied. Following the interviews, five candidates were selected.

This year's candidates are a qualified group of student leaders who have achieved at a high academic level and are heavily involved on the OSU campus in a variety of respected roles. The 2015 Top 5 King and Queen candidates are listed below. 

Top 5 Women

Carlie Goekeler, Tulsa, Okla., Microbiology Senior

Kaci Kennedy, Edmond, Okla., Human Resource Management Senior

Allison Meinders, Woodward, Okla., Accounting Senior

Lyndsay Parks, Edmond, Okla., Management Senior

Courtney Wolfe, Lucas. Texas, Architecture Senior

Top 5 Men

Joseph Brown, Oklahoma City, Okla., Chemical Engineering Senior

Price Buckley, Tulsa, Okla., Mechanical Engineering Senior

Matthew Chuning, Barnsdall, Okla., Mechanical Engineering Senior

Jason Wetzler, Clackamas, Ore., Agricultural Education Senior

Tyler Zander, Enid, Okla., Pre-Med Entrepreneurship Senior 

OSU’s Homecoming is presented each year by the OSU Alumni Association and nationally recognized as “America’s Greatest Homecoming Celebration.” The event returns tens of thousands of proud alumni to Stillwater during the fall to partake in the festivities and reconnect with their alma mater.

Homecoming 2015: ‘Stillwater, Still Loyal, Still True’ will be Oct. 16-24. For more information, visit or call the Homecoming hotline at 405.744.5410.